
What is it like to be deaf?

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Doing an argument on deaf vs. blind.




  1. If someone gives you the choice to be deaf or to be blind... always choose to be blind.

    Being blind separates you from objects, tables, chairs, walls.... being deaf separates you from other people.

  2. very quiet

  3. "Blindness is a disability of mobility, Deafness is a disability of human communication*" (paraphased from Helen Keller)

    * meaning not everyone can communicate with you when you are deaf, unless you have an interpreter or are a great lipreader.

  4. cover your ears for a day

  5. i dont no

  6. Various Deaf People do NOT consider Deafness to be a Disability but more of an inconvenience.

    Deaf People are sometimes thought as being dumb or mentally retarded due to the fact that a Deaf Person usually has a speech impediment(s) due to being Deaf or profoundly Deaf. If a person has a speech Disability, that person is usually thought of being mentally retarded, or having cerebral palsy, or being drunk.

    Within the Deaf Community, there is Deaf Culture and Deaf Pride. Both Deaf Culture and Deaf Pride are extremely strong within the Deaf Community.

    Deafness does NOT cut a person off from other people due to the fact that there are TTYs devices, interpreters for the Deaf, Sign Language, Close Captioning, Cochlear Implants (CI), Hearing Aids and etc.  

    Blindness does NOT cut a person off from other people due to the fact Blind People can speak and hear other people, use Braille, use various technological devices that can assist them in reading, and using the computer, and etc. Blind people will memorize the setup of a room and where various peices of funtiture are in order to make it easeir to navigate through the various rooms.

  7. One of my friends has a daughter who is profoundly deaf. The mother is still trying to learn sign language. The daughter is easily frustrated, has poor comminucation skills, and has a hard time expressing how she feels. Sometimes the daughter wishes she could hear, and be like everyone else for a day. She often feels left out, and alone. (I know sign language so I'm able to communicate with her). The one thing I learned was...Never go up behind her and tap her on the back. She gets frightened very easily.

  8. WHAT!?!?

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