
What is it like to be married to a man in the military?

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I am getting married to an MP. We are deeply in love and are excited to start a life together. He is deploying in January for a year. I have been readying myself by going to family briefings, networking, FRG, etc. I'm just wondering what other people's experiences have been? I welcome comments from both sides!!! :)




  1. First of all, congrats to you and your soldier!

    Life as a military spouse is challenging, rewarding, exciting, stressful, tiring, but overall wonderful.

    The most important thing you can bring into this life is the will to communicate with each other, before, during and after deployments. It's certainly not an easy life, but with the right partner on your side it is one that is well worth it.

    We're on our second deployment and already were told about the third, and while it's not easy to deal with it, my husband is well worth it, and I got to meet so many wonderful people all over the place, that I wouldn't have met without the military. The Army now has so many resources for families, if you have problems, somebody will be there who can relate and help. It's great that you're already active and take part in all they have to offer, keep it up and you'll find life a lot easier than it seems :)

    Good luck!

  2. It is an adjustment but an east one.  You will make so many life long friends.  Hopefully you will be able to get a job where ever you are going to be stationed.  Just make sure you have good communication with him.  The MP Corps is small so don't burn bridges with people because you are probably going to run into them again.

    If you have any other questions feel free to email me.  My hubby has been in for 8 years and he is an MP also.  

  3. The "Truth" of the matter is this...

    The "Toughest Job" in the Military is:

    "Being A Military Wife" !!!!

  4. He better rank up quick or you guys are gonna be broke. Eating canned soup and such. Hold off on kids for a while is what I'd say.

  5. When married to an MP you are going to have to be prepared for long separations. His job as an MP means his job is 24 hours 7 days a week, whenever they need him.

    Due to the fact he is in the Army deployments to Iraq are almost and can be up to 2 years long. Especially because of hie job.

    Marriages in the military are very tough and lonely. I don't mean to be harsh but this is what i tell every girl who is going to get married to somebody in the military who does not know what she is in for.

    Being a spouse means it is you that holds the family together. Being a wife means you cannot consume yourself when you mean is gone hanging by the phone waiting for his call.

    Wives that do that do not last at being a wife, when they neglect their children , and depress themselves waiting for their husband to call. You cannot do that. Everything I just said i speak from personal experience.. I saw woman do that.

    You have to keep yourself busy. Work , volunteer, etc. You have the right idea about the FRG.

    When my husband was in Iraq I worked 2 jobs and volunteered my weekends with the Young Marines. Time went by fast since i was so busy.

    There are the good things as well. Thhealth care is awesome and buying things tax free also ROCKS!

    Good Luck and congrats!

  6. We were married during the cold war.  We saw each other every day.  I was a civilian and made more money than my E-7 husband.  He's a man with a job, just like I was a woman with a job.  During deployment you will be expected to handle the home front and then be expected to hand it back over to him when he comes home.  Just be ready for the adjustment periods.  Far more make it than don't.  Best of luck.  

  7. I have to agree with everything that has been said. It’s not easy but truly rewarding. You will never have to worry about taking each other for granted .

    In my experience… my husband has been in for ten years. We have been married for five. With our first child he left me for S. Korea when I was five months pregnant. He didn’t get R&R till our baby was two weeks old. Was home for 30 days and left. Then didn’t come home till he was ten months old! With our second child he left for Iraq when I was six months pregnant. He had R&R when the second was three weeks old. He spent a total of 15 days  home. Then didn’t return till a week before our baby’s first birthday. And no we didn’t get pregnant after we got the orders. I happen to be pregnant before he got his orders to leave. He still hasn’t been home for a birthday with our oldest, who is now three. We have moved 8 times in the last 5 years. 5 of those I did myself and two of them I was pregnant!

    Best advise… get every power of attorney possible when he deploys. Prepare for the best, worst and everything in between. Always trust, love and respect each other. Make the best of the time you have. Encourage, support and listen.  If you are frustrated with something, chances are he is too. I wish you two the best!

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