
What is it like to be the President of the United States?

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Does anyone watch the tv series "24" ? if so, is the presidents life similar to that in "24". What do the President do everyday? Do they constantly make complex decisions in a time of crises or do any one else make the decision for him?

Basically i just want to know what a typical day or non typical day is like for the president.




  1. in a time such as we live in, i would venture to guess that a day in the life of a US President would likely be a grueling test of endurance and second guessing one's self.

    you merely need to look at the before and after photos of presidents to see how horribly they age during their tenure.

    also, apparently government types are addicted to the show '24' and swear by its realism.

  2. I'm guessing that it would entail a lot of practicing comments that sound important but are really empty statements. Then you would have a fancy meal go out and hold babies and suck up to the public then come home for some media interviews and then sign bills and then go to sleep and start again the next day.

  3. It's awesome. You make 400k a year + all the money that industry lobbyists shove up your ***.

    D.C. = Den of Crooks

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