
What is it like to fly in first class?

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Well, I know what it's like to be in coach, but I've never been on first class. Is it true you get free wine, and theres a lounge on the plane? What is the food like? Or does it differ with each airline? If it does, what is the usual stuff you would find in first class?




  1. I haven't experience yet  but I sat beside them.I saw the flight stewardees  take care of them very good  and  what they need .

    kinda like big room with curtains to all of first class big spacious

    television,food great!

  2. It depends on the airline and whether you're on a long haul flight or a shorter domestic flight. I've flown 1st class a few times (company paid for it) on airlines like Cathay Pacific to Asia. You get dedicated check-in, 1st class lounge privileges before the flight, priority boarding and baggage handling, champagne and a hot appetizer when you first sit down, 17 lcd tv with Bose noise cancelling headphones with A/V on demand, designer amenity kit, designer pajamas to sleep in on your seat that extends into a full bed, down comforters, very good four-course meals with tablecloths and real silverware with the finest wines and champagnes, and on and on. I've also flown American Airlines on shorter domestic 1st class flights where all I received was a large seat with plenty of leg-room and an ok meal and free drinks, you do get lounge privileges, dedicated check-in and priority boarding and baggage handling as well. I've never seen a lounge on a plane, although I believe Singapore Airlines new A380's may have them. 1st class is great, but not worth the price unless you have money to burn.

  3. I flew UK to florida (2001)

    Airtours airways (now been taken over by Mytravel - which is now Thomas Cook)

    Airbus A330

    premier gold which is first class.

    we had priority cheak in, so we only had to wait 2 minutes to chek in, and our suitcases where put so they were first off at the other end

    The plane:

    First class was at the front, and the first thing i remember noticing was how wide the gangway were inbetween the chairs.

    we had leather seats, reclinable, and loads of legroom, i was like 10, but the seats were huge! and we had our own 10 inch touch screen monitors in the chairs infont, and large fold out from the arm rest tables. the TV had cameras in the back, front, and bottom of plane so on take off we could clik a camera and wacth, it was really cool! There were about 20 movies and some TV shows. the cabin was light and airy, and the overhead storage bins where very big.

    We had special really soft cusions and thick blankets with foot pouches to put your feet in! we had free snacks troughout the flight and free drinks, we also had a meal, i don't remember much but i know we choose the meal form a list when we booked the flight, it was nice (we had metal cutlarry with green hadels in little boxes, and the salt and peper came on a stand and was in the shape of two areoplanes) we had hot towles smelling of lemon after the meal, and a sandwich a few hours after the meal.

    we had first class toilets at the front of the plane and these where big and very light and clean, the staff were really nice and friendly, and i even got to go in the cockpit!

    the formation was 2:3:2. i had a peek at economy, they had thin blakets, 2:4:2 formation and TV's on the cealing, the cabin wasn't as bright with dull fabric chairs, dull carpets and everyone looked sad.

    ohh, and our luggage was one of the first off the other end, as with first class you luagges is loaded on last so you get it first.

    The flights cost about £2000 i think, i found the invoice the other day :S but there was 4 of us, 2 adults and 2 children

  4. Yea the food will differ with the airline. I do know that you get unlimited drinks in first class. People have told me that the food on airplanes isn't very good but again it differs with the airline.

  5. My dad said first class isn't all that luxurious. Sure the seats are bit bigger. Service was okay. He ate cheerios for breakfast (wt?! lol). The air quality is better. It's only worth it if your flying for a long time. He was only on the plane for 3 hours, which wasn't all that worth it.

  6. The way the airlines are cutting back.

    First class, will be coach. <}:-})

  7. I only flew in first class twice, but it was roomy and the choice of food was great.  the price sucks

  8. nice, comfortable large chairs. usually tvs on the seats. things u have 2 pay for in coach r usually free in 1st class. its definetly worth the extra $ if its a long flight.

    **if u wanna see it, the next time u go on a plane ride u can just walk through it...good luck:)

  9. I've been in 1st class on one airline. A lot of things are included and you tend to have more relazing chairs and more leg room.

  10. The domestic first class flight experience definitely depends on the airline and the aircraft.  In my experience, first class definitely has advantages - roomier seats, more leg room, food and beverage served in and on glassware and china, no cost for alcoholic beverages, attentive flight attendants. In other words, you're pampered to the best of their ability.  Yep, food is better than coach. Meat, chicken, fish entrees are elegantly presented. Whether there's a lounge depends on the model of the plane.

    Business class on international flights is the plushest I've experienced. Seats become beds, adjustable to accommodate just about any size body. Service level is much like first class - nothing to complain about!

  11. Hi,

    I have flown First Class on a large number of airlines throughout my career in the travel industry.  And the short answer is that first class varies dramatically from carrier to carrier and whether you are flying internationally or not.  First on domestic routes is nothing like first on international from foreign carriers.

    There are some common things of all first classes:

    - The seat is bigger.  Domestic first is just a little bigger and reclines a bit more.  International first (on foreign carriers) now normally have fully reclining seats that become beds.

    - You do get free alcohol (both international and domestic).  Domestic is pretty limited.  International you may get multiple wine selections.

    - You get to go through the "priority" security line in certain airports.

    Now international business class and first class normally gives you access to the airlines lounge.  There are not "lounges" on the planes accept for Virgin Atlantic that has something like that on certain flights (and massages in the lounges).

    Now, if you want to really check out what first is like, look at these three top airlines:


    (you have your own suite with a door, a wide screen tv, and car service)

    Singapore Airlines:

    Jet Airways:

    (you get your own suite here too)

    Now thats flying!  The wildcard in all of this is "business class".  Most US carriers have actually discontinued full first class and gone two class.  For example, Continental has Business First, Delta has Business Elite.  The Continental product is actually quite nice.  I do not care for Delta's or United's business class.

    Enjoy, or just enjoy dreaming about it!

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