
What is it like to get wisdom teeth pulled??

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I dont care if you scare me with details but I am getting them pulled in 4 days and I'm a little scared. Just let me know, thanks:)




  1. I had my wisdom teeth removed at about 29years old. One of them seemed to partially erupt and then go back (It was annoying)  My dentist suggested I have them extracted.  It was a BIG deal and not worth it (my son was told the same thing 3 or4 years ago and is still fine with them)  I was put "under" when I woke up the inside of my cheeks were cut and scratched ; I couldn't eat for days; I was so nauseous from blood going into my stomach.  It was a BIG deal and I wouldn't do it unless you absolutely HAVE to.  Sorry, but that's my story

  2. I just had mine removed this morning and it's not bad at all. I went into the surgeon's office, sat in the chair, they put a blood pressure monitoring band around my arm, and stuck some other cords near my heart to monitor my heart rate, put an oxygen mask over my nose, put a rubber band around my arm, stuck the IV through for anesthesia, the nurse put a little rubber in my mouth to keep it open, the doctor said "you are going to fall asleep in half a minute", and the next thing I know, I'm awake and the procedure is done. The doctor just asked me to try and stay awake. A minute later, the nurse came over with a wheelchair and wheel chaired me out to the waiting room and my dad brought me home. Now, I'm just applying ice packs, changing the gauze in my mouth, and taking my painkillers (three Motrins plus one vicodin). And I'm not swollen yet or anything. No pain. Nothing. Just occassional drooling cuz it's kinda hard to swallow. So, don't be nervous. Just relax. It's not bad at all.

  3. it depends, your dentist should give you three choices to numb your mouth.

    1.) using laughing gas which knocks you out compelety so you dont feel anything

    2.) he might use local anithesia which will only numb your mouth and proceed while your still awake.

    3.) if you can't use either because of some allergic reactions, he/she gives you a pill that puts you to sleep.

    when they took my teeth out, they used local anethesia.  The process was okay, it didnt hurt.  ONce they are out, the dentist places gauzes to stem the blood and you need to replace them every 30 minutes, but it usually stops after an hour or two.  For two days or so, depending on your condition, you will need to eat soft food thats not either too cold nor hot and cannot sip through straws. Plus you need to take pain medicine because it will be uncomforable for at least two days, its best to take them on a firday so you can recover ove rthe weekend.  Some peoples check swell up liek a chipmunk, htat didnt' happen to me, but it can.  Dont' be scared its life's little bump.  fortuanlty i recovered quickly and didnt' have any complications, hope you dont' have any. Take this situation and have people pamper and take care of you.  Use it to you radvantage! good luck!!

  4. It's really not that bad! I just got mine out yesterday. Basically I got knocked out so when I woke up an hour later, it seemed like only a second passed. I changed my gauze pads about every 30 minutes. The bleeding stopped after a few hours. Then I took a really long nap right after to not feel any pain. I was given pain medicine and only took 1 pill because it really doesn't hurt that much. Just don't spit or use a straw or do anything to dislodge your blood clots. I put ice packs 20 min on 20 min off for the first day and also slept sitting up, which I felt made my swelling go away a lot faster. I also had a bit of a sore throat yesterday but that went away. Yesterday I had jamba juice (the non-berry no seeds flavors) and some broth. As of now I'm eating mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. Just follow everything that the doctor tells you to do and you'll be fine! I thought it'll be horrible but I definitely overestimated. Good luck!

  5. I go my wisdom teeth out when i was 12, it hurt a biit but after a few days the pain went away. At the same time of getting my 4 wisdom teeth out i also go 4 baby teeth and a oral surgary, and i had braces on.

    I am 13 now and i am glad i got them out or else it would have mucked up my whole mouth.

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