
What is it like to have 3 children?

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After much delibaratrion we have decided to have a 3rd child now i'm wondering is it worth it we have 2 boys sure i would like a girl. what is it really like to have 3 children? Are you a 3rd child what is it like?




  1. I have three two girls and a boy..........almost 16, 10 and 8.  We werent sure about having three but we did and I love it, yes it is more running and more expense, homework etc but it is also a lot more hugs and I love yous.  Surprisingly ( I had a tubal after my son) we are expecting #4 this summer and even though we were floored we are happy.  I say if you can afford it go for it I never regretted it once.

    My mom had three girls.......both her sisters had three two of her brothers had three so three seems to be the going number in our family.

  2. I have 4 children. When I had the third child the older two were 5 and 2. people were always telling me how much patients I had (I was 23). I don't think I have had anyone tell me I have a lot of patients since the 3rd came along. It was almost 8 years later that I had the 4th. I am also the 3rd child. 2 older sisters. In a lot of ways I got away with a lot of stuff my sisters didn't because they laid the ground work for me, but I also had to suffer for mistakes they made. I use to tell my mother she should have told me how hard a 3rd child was, Maybe you are not suppose to have more children then hands. If you have a supportive helpful spouse then it will be easier. My boys are now 19 & 7 and my girls are 16 & 14 and things are not any easier. Children now are much smarter then when we were kids. If you have enough love to go around then go for it. I love that my children have each other to lean on and as adults my sisters and I are very close.

  3. I have 4 boy's.  The 3 older ones are very close in age and the 4th was born 11 years later. I enjoyed my 3 boy's! I don't know how far apart your children's ages are, but I simply had a blast with mine. They were so close in age that they put all 3 on the same baseball team. Allot of people thought it was kinda neat having them so close in age.

    Now they are adults, and get along so well and keep in touch with each other all the time.

    It is not much difference with just having 2 children. Hey... 3 times a charm. Go for it!!!

  4. I have three daughters and one on the way...want to borrow one :p  lol  I also came from a family of three.  I was the oldest and having two younger didn't phase me, may have made me more responsible actually.  We were spaced out by five years.  

    As for my daughters currently.  Usually there are less arguments with just two playing together and they occupy themselves reasonable well but they seem to get bored easier.  When all three are together there may be more arguing but they learn more skills faster (socially and scholastically) .   You have to mediate a little more but it's worth it!  With three children they will always have a friend to play with.  They still keep their own little personality and actually play to there birth order roles pretty accurately (good book to read if you ever get curious) . The oldest usually is the leader role, the middle child is a mediator always trying to keep the peace, and the youngest is mischievous.  just make sure to put a little special time aside for each ever so often!

  5. you will be more happier than you had been. i am a father of three girls. i wish the number had increased. what ever hard ship you had faced will not be as hard as before because you had the experience and been challenged. the third one will bring love and peace to the family. Pray to God to have a healthy child, the rest is not a problem.

  6. im a third child (youngest btw but duh u could figure that out). this is what it's like.

    jessi: mom can you drive me to work?

    chris: mom what's for dinner?

    me: mom can you wash these clothes?

    dad: let's have another!

    (btw im the youngest and unfortunelty ill be staying that way.) = (

  7. i have 6 and would love 7 so i think its great the more the merrier

  8. My husband and I debate the same thing!  I have cousins/friends/sister/brother that have them and they will all say something different!  Myself I believe that you handle what you want too and god only gives you what you can handle!  Good Luck

  9. We just had our third in January.  We have 2 boys and just got our girl.  It is WONDERFUL!  It's almost like the baby knows she's the third and she is SO laid back so it gives us time to spend with the older 2.  And the older 2 just adore her.  I'm so happy we went for the third - if we could afford it, we would have a million children!  :-)  good luck to you.

  10. First, I think it depends on how you are on a daily basis. If you have patience and can multi-task you may be ok. Don't get your hopes up on having a girl though b/c you may get disappointed. I have to say that when I went from 2 to 3 kids my life became hectic. I didn't find it as easy a transition as it was going from 1 to 2. It is harder to try to be in 3 places at one time. When you only have two kids, at least you can go with one child and your husband can go with another. Sometimes I do feel like I neglect my oldest but then I just spend some extra alone time. If you do decide on a third you won't ever regret it, (you might need some medication though:)

  11. Like a freakin daycare from what I've seen.

    My neighbor has 3 kids but only 2 hands.

    Her monsterboy takes both hands

    and a boot !

  12. I am a 3rd child and have 3 kids.  Right now 3 kids is really hard for me but I have a 2 year old and twin 6 months old.  As far as being a 3rd child (a girl after 2 boys)  It was great.  I had role models and protectors.  As a parent you are officially outnumbered so learn from my (unplanned) mistake and make sure you have at least 3 years between. (and I say mistake but I am so so so happy and crazy and I count my blessings daily)

  13. I have three children and love them all.  the last one was not planned but I love her as much as the two planned.

  14. i'm one of four, and its great. i get more responsibility being the oldest, and all my brothers are doing fine. they're all quite close in age, so they always have someone to play with and they pass on their skills/knowledge to the little one, which is great naturally :)

    and my parents cope with us just fine.

  15. well i got 3 children my first pregnancy.(triplets) and i was only 20. granted it was my first pregnancy and really hard but my husbands mom and my mom where always over to help. but all-in-all it was was fun. i think it would be easier to you because you didnt have 3 babies at once, you'll only have one baby, so maybe you could get help from your other 2 kids

  16. I have 3 kids.  It really is the same as having 2.  Although I have to say here my third is only 3 months old!  I'm sure it will be a little more hectic when he's running around too!

    I was the youngest of three children, but there was a 7 year age difference between the middle child and I so I pretty much had my teen years as an only child.

  17. well my cousin has 4 and she is in her 20's and she seems to have no toruble,just dont let em fight and ull b ok

  18. I agree about the more, the merrier...but that transition from 2 to 3 is a hump. I mean, you have two hands, two parents and two kids....until baby makes 3.

    I have three and it has been bliss.  Sure they won't obey and I get crazy, but all in all, it's bliss --

    Oh...the two older ones ADORED the baby unitl she began to get into their toys.  I recall my 3 yr old son saying to me "Mama, bodily remove her!" LOLOLOL

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