
What is it like to have someone love you?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious because I have never had a girlfriend.




  1. its like you love the feeling that they'll never leave but scared they might leave at the same time. its when you see them in the hallway and your whole face lights up. its when you picture him or her face and thats all you can think about the rest of the day. Its when your with them and you feel complete. its when they touch you ever so slightly and you feel the magic. Love is when you love someone and they love you back. they love you for who you are and it doesn't matter what you look like. love is when you kiss and you think "these are the only lips i ever want to kiss".

    and when you find that person....hold on to them....don't let them go no matter what anyone else says. don't let your friends judge who you love. Believe me i've had one boyfriend before and i let him go. i know now that i've always loved him. *i know this sounds stupid like i made it up or its a movie on lifetime or somthing but it truely happened to me*

  2. Like being under house arrest with one of those GPS tracking anklets.

  3. The most wonderful thing in the world! But only if their love is genuine.

  4. Its overated man. As long as they put out I dont really care what they think of me

  5. feels like you are important...

    love is the best thing in the world

    get a g/f before u loose everything

  6. Sophocating

  7. Its something people tend to take for granted until their loved one is gone.

  8. its pretty freak'n sweet

  9. just because you have a gf/bf doesnt mean youre loved.i think you might need to learn it first.

  10. You feel complete.  

  11. I don't know how to explain.

    It's just kind of a safe feeling.


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