
What is it like to have surgery for TMJ?

by Guest64754  |  earlier

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What is it like to have the surgery for TMJ and what happens from the time you go to your doctor until a week or two after your surgery?




  1. Well I had jaw surgery to fix my 'under-developed lower jaw'. They basically moved my lower jaw forward so that it lines up with my upper jaw better. I used to have a lot of TMJ pain because my teeth and jaw didn't line up properly and it caused a lot of stress on my jaw joint when I ate. Before I could have the surgery I had to have nearly a years worth of orthodontic treatment (braces). Recovery from the surgery was pretty rough. I had my jaw wired shut for a month and only ate liquidized foods. After the wire was removed I couldn't even open my mouth wide enough to get a full bite of food- I had to eat mushy stuff with a baby spoon for a couple of weeks and slowly worked up to eating real food. Overall, it was a huge bothersome ordeal but it was worth it because now I don't have any trouble eating or suffer from TMJ pain anymore. Hope I helped.

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