
What is it like to live in France?

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i don't want to live there i'm just curious




  1. At the moment I live in the south of France... of course the architecture is very different and I must say that I eat a lot healthier since i moved here... on the other hand I miss the convenience of the US, the all night stores for example, but it's not that big a deal... however I have found that the French guard their privacy fiercely and it is not very easy to make friends... oh they are friendly enough when you meet them on the street or in the store and very polite, but once you reach the front door there is a certain taboo.... when I lived and worked in England for example I was invited all the time for tea or a chat, but here it's very different... of course the local politics are different and the culture... but it's an experience and while I'm here I intend to enjoy it

  2. There are a lot of nuclear power plants.

  3. there's a lot of frogs. ;]

  4. I have been living in France for several weeks and this the nicest country I have ever had the opportunity to live in...


    -People are kind and friendly, really lovely, to the extend you make a little effort to speak a little french. Even broken. The important is to show you don't feel superior or contempting. It often happened to me , simplly, to ask for my way, and to be invited in a pub by the person!!! French are always ready to invite you , even if they don't know you!!!

    -Life is cheap and agreable...everything is available and affordable.

    -I live in the southwest of the country. Landscapes are extraordinary, there is always a lot to discover....

    Very honestly, I have fallen in love with this country. I am sure you will do the same if you come one day!

  5. Because France is a beautiful contry, and different according to region (Normandie, Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur....)

    Food is GOOD !!!!!

    French i sympatic


    VIVE LA FRANCE !! et les français !

  6. well  I'm  was born in the usa but sense i moved to  Paris  i find i miss the usa more  one they shut down shops be for ten pm   same with  restaurants some shut down way to early ,clothes are very costly  same with food and taxs sense the Euro as came out  cost of living as  sky rocket plus all the ones moving here from other country's  that live off the french  and don't feel they should find work or get legal here why work when the french pay for  there living expenses and housing and if we complain they  yell racist so  the french just have to take it from them .

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