
What is it like to live in Italy?

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What is it like to live in Italy?




  1. It's nice... except for traffic jams!!!

    P.S. the "mafia" concept is long gone, please update!

  2. one of my favorite singer usually says that if  you born in Italy you should love this country even we are incapable of doing a good nation of it is very good but with lots of difficulties!!because of bureaucracy and stupidity of powerful man...

  3. I live in Italy......of course I love it!

    You must come and try!!!!!

    I forgot!We don't have just mafia

  4. It's great to live in Italy but there are also some disadvantages.  But the weather is usually always nice and there are great sights to see the language is beautiful and it was easy for me to learn!  But there are a lot of spiders and insects usually in the house, electicity and converting 220 and 110 volts can be a pain.  Also some places don't smell very pleasant especially in the summer.  But the food is great and it's an overall cool place to be.

  5. I only lived in Italy for eight months. I was living in a small town called Lanciano, where my mom was born. I must say, the town was too small and so I did not like living there. Although when we travelled around, example: to Rome, I absolutely loved it. I believe if we had lived in a big city, where people spoke english and weren't so, well, Italian, then I probably would have enjoyed it.

    Life in Italy is very slow and very Italian, you either love it or hate it.

    Hope this helps

  6. to good,you want to leave after a while,then go back later

  7. italian mafia.

  8. good and bad as each aspect of life.

    life-style is very good, great weather, food, clothes, total freedom, slow-rythm, open mind, not an aggressive popul. a boy from los angeles i met in new york said that italy has the best parties of the world (but honesty i don't think so..) much free time for having fun, we have 3 months vacation for summer and we make more holidays than all other europe country.

    obivously bad aspects are that slow-rythm is horrible when you gotta do something fast, all is very bad organized and nobody cares about. works life isn t good, not much mobility, low salary, not very high position to achive.

    i think, actually, there are worst places in the world.

    Anyway i wanna move abroad but here i live quite good, i think that italy is the best place of the world to spend holiday, 10months in usa working and 2 in italy for vacations would be ideal-life.

  9. In Italy it is lived very well, above all in the still calm zones like the Umbria, the Tuscany, the Abruzzo

    Italian is not synonymous of Mafia!

  10. If you come you'll see :)

  11. living in italy..... fantastic

    moved here over 20 years ago and never want to move away.

    sometimes it's frustrating, red tape takes forever to get through... 5 different government departments just to get one small simple thing done, and they only open in the mornings.

    but hey, the way of life is relaxed... good food, good wine, good weather (at least where i live), friendly people.

    job opportunities..... you'll always find something if your prepared to work

  12. i'm italian, i lived there all my life except the past 9 months! but i'll be back in july...what can i say...before i couldn't wait to leave, and now i'm kinda excited that i'll be back!

    it's just so much different from here...

    we have much more freedom, places are old and different, good food, crazy drivers, funny people...too many things to say!

    try it and see it for yourself. i love it!

  13. I am Italian and i've been living in Italy for all my life.

    What i can say is that is a really wonderful country, in fact there are so many people that wants to come to live & work here, that's difficult to transfer here !

    an example, we accept not more than 10% of all people that demands to come to live here in 1 year...

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