
What is it like to live in alaska?

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i was wondering if anybody here lives in alaska and if so is it worth leaving south carolina




  1. I dont live in alaska but let me tell you i would leave virginia any day to live in alaska. My boyfriends parents are movin there. sometime later on me and him are goin there to live if you want to see what its like in alaska go to this website i watch there movies on alaska its beautiful it made me feel like i was there. even though i dont live in alaska i would still call alaska home.

    or you can go to youtube and type in alaska and see everyone elses videos they did

  2. Lived 6 years in the arctic above Nome (Kotzebue) and traveled pretty much all of Alaska.  It is one of the most beautiful places on earth... yes it cold, yes there are TONS of wildlife, Eskimos etc.  but also some pretty nice laid back people that work hard for there money.  Lots of jobs, not much to do in the way of movie theaters etc. so be prepared (depending on where you plan to live of course) to give up the "mall" and such.  Unless you are moving to the "big" city then you can forget what I last stated.  Life is an adventure... go for it!

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