
What is it like to take a 1200 mile trip aboard Greyhound?

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  1. Mind-numbingly and butt-numbingly dull. I went from PA to Florida once. Took two days and 3 buses. The buses do take a few smoking stops, but otherwise you are trapped in a small space for many hours. You may have to switch buses a couple of times. You have to either take food or hope for the best at layovers. The people on the bus can be friendly, odd, or even hostile. Everyone from drunks and druggies to grandmothers and military. Lots of smells.

    You can't move around much. I don't remember if they have outlets, but I don't think so.

    These days, I prefer the train for long distances -- and I've gone coast to coast 5 times. More room to move, roomier seats, outlets for the laptop (I take DVDs), better scenery, cafe car or even dining cars. Check the hot deals tab on Amtrak for discounts.

    Or avoid both and try Craigslist rideshare.

  2. It is tiring. I would say the cutoff point is about 400 miles. Beyond that, when you factor in the cost of your meals, it is as cheap to fly. And if you want to watch the scenery, Amtrak is better.

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