
What is it like to take a 1300 mile trip aboard greyhound??

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please tell me your story.




  1. Did you hear about the guy who was beheaded on a bus trip recently?

    Thank God, that doesn't happen often. My advice is to take along-

    ---$, and change too, so you can buy fast food along the way. Many buses stop at places like Burger King, or their stations are next to restaurants.

    --a small pillow, you can strap it to your back pack. It will help your neck because you will sleep alot!

    --a water bottle for long stretches without stopping

    --Don't drink too many fluids because the bus bathrooms are small and foul. Try to get a seat closer to the front to be away from the smell in the back.


    --Entertainment makes it go by quicker! You will need a book, a handheld video game, either a laptop or a portable DVD player. There are usually electrical outlets in the bathrooms where you can recharge at longer stops.

    I did it with a 5 year old-GameBoy all the way!

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