
What is it like to work in mental health/psychiatric nursing?

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is it rewarding?




  1. Yes, it's very rewarding, a bit dangerous, and there is never a dull moment.  Usually it is more fun since, they have pizza parties throughout the year and a lot of different types of activities for the clients (dances, talent shows, special olympics, parties).  If you find a long-term acute care hospital, the patients usually stay for years and you get to know them really well.  In a short-term facility (private for pay) you will work your butt off, try to find something that is not for profit and a state run facility, benefits are great.  Mental Retarded/Developmental Disabled (MR/DD) facilities are the most rewarding.  I once worked in state mental institution and I loved it.

    Hope this helps.

  2. It's rotton.

    Like all nursing, you work too hard, don't get any respect, get paid a pittance, and are treated like c**p.

    In addition, you will be dealing with patients who are having serious mental problems and it will be a huge drain on your energy.  

    Most of you colleagues will also be having serious mental problems, to tell you the truth.  

    Stay away from that tar-baby.

  3. I had a friend who was a mental health nurse. A side effect of working there is you begin to get mentally ill, too. Caution.

  4. It all depends on the facility/area you work in. Even though you're in Psych Nursing, there are multiple different areas available (adult, child, geriatric, etc.)

    A facility that a friend works at is actually a Forensic Unit (those who are deemed criminally insane are sent there). I spent some time w/her there and it was a very different experience. You have to be a very special person to be able to work in those situations. My friend loved it. Her patient's were relatively stable (as they are sent there b/d they didn't go to jail) but you really have to be on top of your therapeutic communication skills.

    Psych nursing is very different from the inpatient med-surg area...

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