
What is it like waitressing at a small family owned restaraunt????

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I just applied to work there, but I'm wondering what its like. I've never worked before and I don't have any experience. Is it easier than larger restarants? And basically, what's it like?




  1. It will probably be less formal than a large restraunt, so it will not be harder that way, but make no mistake, being a waitress is hard work.  You have to have patience, and learn to smile through everything.  Be as friendly as you can, and if you make a few mistakes, take the time to explain that you are new, but that you will fix the problem right away. And wear comfortable shoes!! I can't emphasize that enough..LOL... But the plus is that the owners are family oriented, so if you do a good job, they will probably look out for you and guide you through the tough stuff.  You will run into customers who are mean, grumpy, or very demanding, just get through it with a smile.  They are either having a bad day, or that is just the way they are and it is not personal towards you.   The other bonus is that most people that frequent a family owned restraunt are regulars and if they like you, they will tip you well, and encourage you, as well as have some great conversations.  

    Good Luck.

  2. if it is like the family rest by my house there are 1 or 2 waitresses that have been there forever and complain constantly..  good luck and if the tips are lousy don't stay!!

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