
What is it like wearing what you want to school????

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i live in sydney, Australia and i have to wear uniform (so annoying) to school and my friend lives in the US and says she wears what she wants to school and do you get sick of wearing what you want or do you love it???




  1. its alright but with uniforms you never have to spend so long in the morning trying to figure out what to wear, and by clothes, its like cliques and social groups are more noticeable. uniforms makes fashion less important when making friends. i would have loved to have uniforms.

  2. I like wearing what I wear, and I like that we get the choice to wear our own clothing. It expresses who we are by our clothing, you know what I mean? The only bad thing about wearing your own clothes is when you run out of clothes to wear, ahaha. & some people get made fun of for wearing clothing from like, zellers and stuff.

  3. it's pretty cool being able to wear whatever you want to school. people become defined by what they wear and it's part of them. even though i like being able to wear what i want it does get annoying because people care so much about clothes and become compettitive or obsessive. it's also annoying to have to pick out an outfit everyday. overall i like having my own style in school but there are some negative parts to it.  

  4. i live in california, usa and we don't have to wear uniforms only private schools do...



    and it's AWESOME to wear what you want

    you can show your originality through your clothes

    and not be wearing the EXACT same thing as the ENITRE school

    lol wowwww i could neverrr imagine doing that!! hahahaaa wowwww

    uhhh i would HATEEEEEEE wearing uniforms!!!!! ugghhhh i think that NOBODYYYY should have to they should be able to express their selves and wear whatver they want.

  5. i like it sometimes... but other times i think it would be WAYYYYY easier if i could just wear a uniform. I also think people wouldnt be so superficial if they couldnt wear their 'own' clothes.  

  6. i love picking out what to wear but hey i wouldnt mind uniforms either.

    they ve both got their own advantages and disadvantages.

    you ve seen the uniform side and hopefully one day you ll get to see what its like choosing what you wear to school (college?).

  7. It's nice, but it would be so much easier to be able to wear a uniform. That way, people don't mock others about their style. Also, it would save so much time if you could just grab your uniform an iron it rather than taking time to pick out an outfit or to spend hours school-shopping. Call me weird, but even though I'm a girl, I HATE shopping for clothes.

  8. i think;s it cool but later people will think you cant afford clothes  

  9. I agree with the first answer. I like it, but sometimes you are just like "why bother?" ya know? but i dont think thta i would want to have uniforms =/

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