
What is it like working as a "Cast Member" at a Silvercity or Other movie Theathers?

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What was the average pay and would you recommend it as a part time job for a senior high school student.




  1. Assuming cast member is the theatres' euphemism for  snack counter staff and ticket taker, I can tell you what my kids (three of whom worked at theatres during high school) went through.

    They were givien uniforms, and had to wash  and iron them at home.

    They got minimum wage.

    during the week they  weren't done till about 11:30 pm -- so they tried to only get one or two weekdday shifts

    They got more money for working holidays, of course.

    They got burns from hot oil/butter every so often

    They learned to upsell and do fast math calculations in their heads

    They learned to deal with the public.

    they got to say 'hi' to friends who came in to see the movies.

    They did it right through high school - 4 years -- it paid minimum wage, but  so did all the other jobs

    sometimes they had to come in on weekends for staff meetings (paid)

    All in all, they were glad of the job, in a fairly 'fun' atmosphere, but were really glad to move on to other types of jobs after high school.

    Hope this helps.

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