
What is it that a woman TRULY wants in a mate/husband?

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Commonly we hear reliability, a butt, looks, money etc., but honestly..when thinking of a LIFE-LONG relationship, what do you want? What is it that REALLY makes you happy with a man? Race? Religion?Creed? Watching movies & crying together? Smelly feet?




  1. love n trust of course..honesty..romance..humor even is good..n the sense of being a provider..

  2. Happiness, faithfulness, love, fun! that's what i want anyway.

  3. i like guys i feel comfortable with and that i can talk to. i love the funny ones (huge plus!) i'd want to know that i could love them forever and never stop, and that he would be my best friend

    answer mine please:

  4. smelly feet? haha what?

    I'd have to say that a sense of humor is really important to me in a guy. Confidence, intelligence, and consideration are other things I look for. And he has to be caring, faithful, dependable, honest and kind.

  5. Honesty, respect and good lovin.

  6. True love of the kind that I can't sleep, I can't eat kind of thing. Someone who will make me feel special all the time and be truly honest with me. Someone who is a good listener and will support me in everything I decide to pursue- emotionally. Money wise it has to be a partnership where we both contribute for the family. Someone who is funny, romantic and spontaneous.

    Hope that helps.

  7. well what i look for in a good relationship is honesty   good sense of humor trustworthy financially stable  (not all woman)   good looking caring  sensitive when needed sometimes to be romantic  a good lover

    a good listener  someone that   can have a good long  conversation  

      someone who is responsible   intelligent  just a nice person

    a man that is not to controlling  but cares  someone who can have  fun  just doing nothing at all   ! hope this helps  i know it's alot   but  it's to give you a good perspective of what most women want (not all) like i said

    not all are the same  

  8. Absolute comfort and protection. Girls want to feel protected.

  9. time, money, and lots of s*x!

  10. These qualities: Nice, Caring, Honesty, romantic(sweet), faithful(loyal) and you have to be able to communicate!!! oh and success to be honest. I do not want to be married to a guy who can not keep a job, while i have to struggle to support everyone. And no a guy crying over a movie with you, is definitly not the kind of sensitvity I want. Thats a little too much! Smelly feet oooooooo can't resist that. Just playing

  11. Spending time together and doing things together makes me so happy with a man. I love it when a man does things with you and make fun of you and makes you laugh and who laughs at/with you most of the time you are together. A spark or connection in most things also makes me want him and ultimately accepting me for who I am.

    please answer mine:;...

  12. All women are different, most women will say sense of humor, protector, compassionate, good qualities that don't really ever change throughout the duration of the relationship.  

  13. A woman wants to have security in knowing that she won't be made a fool of. Humanbeings are insecure creatures and if we could be reassured that our insecurities won't be exposed then we feel safe. Feeling Safe equals love to the human mind and thats what women want out of a mate/husband. Funny thing is men are the same way. LOL!

  14. I like guys that are random, don't let things get to them so much. Also i like guys with short hair (when its long they look like girls), also they have to promise they won't cheat on me! If they want to sleep with someone els brake up with me first.

  15. I would want him be a man who loves God and serve him diligently

    Dependable, and a good sense of humor.

    Someone to study the Bible with, pray together, go to church and serve in the community with.

    A good provider, not g*y or bisexual and can make me laugh.

  16. stability, mental health, passionate, caring, but not needy, dependable, funny, intelligent, exciting in bed not same boring all the time, s**y but romantic and sweet, interested in our little stuff, ladventurousrest in us always, being shown we are loved all the time, being adventurous  to keep us interested, loving, affectionate, standing up for what you believe in, a good hearted man, someone that is kind to others, would be a good father, can support us on all levels...our rock and of course this is me speaking and everyone is different but these are some things i would like and ya i dont know why i am not married easy to find right???LOL j/k take care and good luck:)

  17. well. I'm an 11 year old but i know a lot. i ask alot. my parents and about puberty and stuff like this.

    . a woman wants trustworthiness(no cheating on her)

    . a good woman wants good education for children.

    . She wants u to work hard, but also take care(have fun) of the children.

    . hugs and kisses.

    . if they don't want to "fool around" in bed, don't climb onto them.

    .try to not argue 2 much. if u guys argue too much and u guys don't divorce, the love will start to break apart slowly and then divorce.

    make sure ur kids are being B- or higher students.

    .if they ask u to come along to her friends house, do it.

    . AND ALWaYS BE in TIP TOP SHAPE.don't get overweight.


  18. There are so many things its hard to just list them, its so much more complex than that..but if I had to say, honesty would be right up there on top...honesty leads to trust and eliminates many issues(not all, but a lot)...personally,  I like my guy to have the same morals and similar religious views..Im not terribly religious and Im not knocking couples who are from different religious backgrounds but for me its comforting to know that we wont have issues when raising the kids, and in all reality not everyone takes religion talk lightly so it could cause disputes. I dont want to know what the other person is doing all the time but keeping me informed and up with whats going on in their mind is extremely important to me..if they are mad or irritated, Id like to know so I can help fix it. Simple things, like going to the park to eat lunch or dinner, going for a hike or walk, watching movies at home (one that each of us likes to get to know what the other person enjoys), and taking time to do what each of us likes so its not always one way.. Just trying new things together and communicate is the best way for me to be happy.  Oh, and cooking together is so great to me!

  19. Money, status, and someone who will treat them like c**p so sensitive men will feel sorry for them.  Hehe, just kidding, sort of.

  20. It differs from woman to woman.

    I don't care about race or religion, and I... certainly don't enjoy smelly feet.

    I guess I would like a man who takes care of himself, someone who's fun to be around and, yes, someone I find physically attractive.

    As long as they take care of themselves and treat me good, well... I feel that's all I can ask for if the attraction is there.

  21. when i get older, i want a guy who is cute, funny, outgoing, and nice. he doesn't care what other people think.

  22. Smelly feet, man. That's the best turn on.

    But seriously.

    I'm going to go with security. Like you are the protector of us. Make us feel safe and comfortable.

  23. Hey, we don't want a wuss, women may seem strong and independent but what we really want is a man who will be faithful, honest, considerate, strong, provider, protector.

    When something breaks, she needs to know that he will fix it.

    The main thing that we look for in a mate is, A GOOD FOOT RUB!

  24. i like guys that make me laugh and help me when im sad and kno when i need some time to be alone and don't get rlly mad if a guy talks to me

    help me;...;...

  25. To be able to trust him with all my heart. --his faithfulness to me in mind, deed and emotion.

    ...Two lovers so entangled with the thoughts of eachother, that no one can penetrate.

    I want to give it back as well.  

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