
What is it that causes Texas to be hot and humid at the same time?

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Is it most of the state the same way? please advise as I'm considering Texas to move.




  1. humidity west Texas is dryer

  2. The closer you are to the gulf, the more humid it gets.  I went through Houston and the windows were so steamed up in the airport you couldn't see out of them. I think the northern parts are just hot and dry.

  3. Texas is pretty hot especially in the summertime due to it's latitude being relatively far south, thus the Sun's rays are more direct.  It is also humid, especially over central and eastern Texas due to the predominant southerly winds that transport humidity from the warm Gulf of Mexico.  If you are looking for a relatively cooler and drier locale, far west Texas and the Texas panhandle regions are closer to that kind of climate regime.

  4. In pre-historic times all of east texas was a swamp(thats how the oil got there) the earth has risen but the water is still in the soil. the heat leaches the moisture out of the ground.

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