
What is it that defines the united states as a super power?

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is it economical power, military technology, or what?




  1. Obviously this is subject to opinion, but I would say that it mostly revolves around a country's ability to influence world events. This is mostly a measure of a countries wealth and ability to influence world markets or through military strength. These were things that made the U.S. a super power for many years following WWII. However, during the current administration the U.S. has lost much credibility with other governments and our spending power is becoming more limited as our economy slows  down.

  2. over 2000 nuclear weapons

    get on our bad side, and ...

  3. The combination of multiple geo-political strengths and assets make the USA a super power.  The USA has a massive amount of land, a reasonably large population,  is rich in natural and agricultural resources, has massive economic wealth, and the most powerful and advanced military in the world.  Few other nations have these benefits, so the USA isn't just a power but a 'super-power'.  It's also easy to see how the former Soviet Union paralleled the USA for so long as it too has all of these assets.  It's also easy to see why China is rising as the next likely super power because it too has the capability to acheive these strengths.

    Japan is an economic power with the second largest economy in the world.  But it is tiny and has no military to speak of.  Canada is a giant land mass, but has a tiny population.  Great Britain has a powerful army and a wealthy economy, but is small in size.  There are many countries that are at the top in one or two areas, but when you dominate in many of them you become a super power.

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