
What is it that drives us to go for the impossible?

by Guest10981  |  earlier

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Is it something within us? What drives the human race to strive for survival? To reach seemingly impossible odds?

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  1. curiosity.

    somehow your question reminds me of Curios George stories.

    what drives me to do things is because i want to prove MYSELF that i can do something. i'm scared but i know i can do it. my motto = What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

  2. todays environment:...MONEY...COLD CASH...$$$

  3. The mindset that there is nothing impossible: maybe hard, improbable, extremely unlikely, but never impossible.

  4. Human Nature, the human condition always improves when mankind finds a new frontier. On a more personal level it causes you to attempt to get a high paying job, Luxury Sports car, and of course a nice house. Most people fall short, but if they had never pursued that goal and had that hope they wouldn't accomplish nearly as much.

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