
What is it that i am feeling and how do i stop this?

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as i write this i am crying i don't know what i am feeling every day i come home from school i cry (which has been the past three days now) i did do it last year but only a two days its been three now what do i do? i feel like committing suicide i hate the bus i ride i wish that i could just move away? can you help me please?




  1. Your bus ride must be h**l. What is going on at school and on the bus that makes you feel this way? If it is a bully or just being picked on I know how telling only makes it worse. Are you too far from school to walk home and would it be safe for you if you did? Do you have an MP3 player you could listen to while you are on the bus? If you go to Bearshare you can download some self-help talks and that may help. Louise Hay's 101 Power thoughts is the best! If you like games you could play on-line with an Xbox, PS2 or Wii, etc...if you have games that can....just remember to practice internet safety rules.

    Start journaling...just start writing on the computer how you feel and do not stop typing til it is all out. Try prayer. Think of one thing you like about yourself and try to remember to think about it when you feel like you are not good enough or are scared.

    As far as the Prozac you may need to have your medication adjusted or changed. Hopefully, you are in counseling so you can deal with what is currently going on and work through it. If you are not could you go? It would really help. Find a counselor that works under a psychiatrist so you can evaluated to see if you need more meds or a different one and then they should have one of the counselors in their office contact you to set up an appointment to begin therapy.  

  2. hiya hun. it will get better. u are going through a hard time but it will ease.

    my heart goes out to u x

  3. Taking Prozac can cause you to feel sad. But feeling suicidial won't get you anywhere at all. Nothing in life is worth taking your own life. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It is OK to cry. Even ok to cry when you have no idea why your crying at all. If it becomes to much I'd discuss it with your Doctor though.

    Please for the love of God don't do wat your thinking about.!! It's not worth it. E-mail me if you need someone to talk to.

    Best of luck

  4. You're not alone. School is so full of pressure and stress, and I feel that everyday, too. if you're anything like me, the social stress is sometimes unbearable. But you can do something about the way you feel. I have been feeling the same exact way, and I can sympathize with you, but you need to tell someone all of this. Because that's what I did, and I am in a way, way better place that I was a year ago. I know you have people that love and care for you, but you need to open up and accept help from them and from a professional. I have been seeing a counsellor for the past 10 months, and I am taking everything day by day, and I can tell you in truth that I am doing so much better. If you aren't already seeing a counsellor, please, please do so. And if you ever feel the way you do now, call the number that Greywolf gave you...I was given a card with that number on it, and the people on that hotline are SUCH a help. Much love, and I wish you the best <3

  5. Always remember that it willl get better. Try and find someone to talk it out with. It could be your medication. ask your doctor

  6. You'll be okay. You might want to try a different drug if that one isn't working (I didn't have luck with it, either). What medications should do, is help with the symptoms of depression. They aren't going to solve problems, but they should make them easier to manage.

    Try writing. Get a journal, and write about everything. Keep it in a safe place... And every month, look back on what you wrote. Usually, any issues you've written about have already been solved or dealt with by then. And yes, there will always be new problems... But don't feel overwhelmed.  Everything will be okay... And there isn't really any point to killing yourself. It's just kind of a waste to get that far, and bail out, you know? And it's usually the little things that get to you... You wouldn't want to *die* because of a bus, or other kids, or being overworked, or anything like that, would you?

    This will pass.

  7. Call one of these numbers and talk to a counselor - you don't have to tell them who you are, but can help you more than anyone here.


    USA National Suicide Hotlines  

    Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week



    1-800-784-2433  1-800-273-TALK


    TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)  

    Really, call them now

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