
What is it that i need to do to improve reading peoples mind ability?

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telepathy. i want to improve the receiving part. not the sending. how would i improve this? i will take web links but can someone please tell what the key thing is that i have to work on to improve this? thanks and i love you




  1. This is very intersting, I'm going to read upon that myself

  2. There are several things that you can try to develop.

    The first one is learning to 'still the mind', to stop what Carlos Castenada called 'the internal dialogue'. As long as you are talking to yourself, it is difficult to tune into anything outside of yourself.

    The second thing you can do is to learn not to desire an outcome of events. I do not mean that you become inert and unmotivated, but that you are ABLE to be in that neutral state when you want to be. If it is important for you to believe this or that, you cannot be open to the opposite very easily.

    The third thing is not to get too captured by your own self importance if you do have some success. This psychological inflation is a real killer of these insights.

    The last thing is to try to trust your insights, at least tentatively. Your first reaction might be that something is too improbable to consider. You do not need to ACT on anything, but simply watch to see if it might be right.

    I am a scientist, and I am aware that the scientific community is much more comfortable disregarding these sorts of phenomenon. But science is about careful observation of reality, and I think that people who look closely at these inner abilities usually have to confront the sometimes uncomfortable reality of them.

  3. The best answer to this question right now is that reading people's minds is an ability that has yet to be demonstrated, so at this point it's premature to ask how to improve it or how to gain this ability.

    The best that the paranormal world has to offer as far as reading minds is the ganzfeld and auto-ganzfeld studies (see link) for detection of ESP. The ganzfeld was the first study and is recognized by both paranormalists and skeptics as being flawed. So, the autoganzfeld was performed to replicate the first study, however the results were dubious at best. Other studies ensued, but with similar results. While paranormal evangelists like Dean Radin raved about how the results were significantly non-random (thus signifying ESP), he's one of the few. Notably, psychologist Susan Blackmore (see link) disagrees, and she's one of the few people around with an actual PhD in Parapsychology (University of Surrey). Also notably, skeptic Ray Hyman (see link) was involved in the ganzfeld studies and his last word on the subject (dated 1996) is that "the autoganzfeld experiments constitute neither a successful replication of the original ganzfeld experiments nor a sufficient body of data to conclude that ESP has finally been demonstrated". Note the date -- 1996.

    If you personally want to investigate this, I'd recommend getting a set of Zener cards, putting each card in an envelope, and then mixing up the envelopes. Go through the envelopes one at a time and try to predict what's in it, then open them up and see. Repeat this procedure and record your results. Ideally you'd want to do a statistical analysis of your results, but you can cross that bridge when you come to it.

  4. Theoretically you would not receive a relevant answer until you understand the reasons for such an ability.  Mindfulness.  What is the purpose of life?  Money, fortune and fame?  Temporary satisfaction is not the answer.

  5. The thing about "reading minds" is that you can misunderstand what the person is thinking. Also, sometimes it's not that person's thoughts, but maybe your own thoughts...or the thoughts of people around them or even maybe the thoughts of spirits around them. So, you might end up judging a person for thoughts that aren't their own. Also, there's something called "the right to privacy". Do you want your own thoughts read? Would you want someone to put a video camera inside your house and record every little thing you do? That's what you're doing when you intrude into other people's minds. The only times I can see that you would really need this is if the person wasn't able to talk or communicate..or if someone really is trying to secretly tell you something and can't say it out loud. Or, maybe if you're on a secret spy mission for the government etc. Or, for that you can help them and communicate with them. But if you're doing it just to spy on people and have control over them..then I think it's wrong and should be against the law. Of course there's no way to make a law like that or put it into effect.

  6. to improve the ability to read minds, the first thing one has to do is relax.  If you are trying to force it , it probably will not come to you. Next, know that you are not always invited to read everybodies mind, there are some, that will shut you out, as they find it rude.  Third, is the trust issue, you must trust in what you get, and do not analyze, as th is is their mind , not yours. You may not always understand all of what you get, do not try to , just say what you see as it is not always for you to understand, again , I remind  you that you are in someone elses mind.  Please ground and protect before you do this, as you never know what you are going to get when you do this.

    MidAtlantean is giving you some sound and solid advice there. I would follow what he is saying.... very wise.

  7. There are plenty of people who make false claims to this ability, but the truth is, the field is relatively unexplored by sincere minds. I could tell you the magic tricks that the pros use, but my guess is you want to really do it, and not just a trick.

    Avoid people like Sylvia Browne, Van Prague, and John Edwards as they only use con-man tricks to do what they do, and would have no idea how to really read minds.

  8. the brain has learned to model other ppl's thought processes.  as you get to know someone you learn how they make decisions.  

    if you are good at understanding behaviour, and you want to usew this skill to make some $$$, take up psychology (the conventional one).

  9. ur mom

  10. Since the human mind doesn't transmit its every thought like some radio beacon, what exactly would you be receiving?  My guess is you want special powers.  Many people have claimed to have such abilities but not a single one has been able to demonstrate them in a controlled environment.

  11. One surefire way to improve the ability is to lose your mind and become delusional.  





  12. Perhaps the receiving frequencies are to be discovered.

    It is interesting because can also be used as protective tactic when psi-attack occurs - I mean to open smones /not trained in this/  receiving pannel  for to orient psi-influence there

    Sounds like Potters story? But may be in life.

  13. Who would you read if you could?  Do you really want to know what someone is thinking?  Because it is very boring on a moment to moment basis.  What you want to know is when to duck.  And if you are in a position to need to duck.  Then you have yet another link you should know about.  Scenario building.  Cause and effect.  Like if I tell you how to read someones mind and they figure it out that you are looking.  As right now.  If your looking at this writer in your minds eye...what do you see?  Fire Hydrent.

  14. There is no true test for telepathy. For example if I think of a green apple and you say "you are thinking of a green apple" I could say "No I was thinking of a Black Horse" and no evidence has been established.

    So, you write information down to provide evidence and then you open the possibility of this information being acquired from another source (the paper) rather than from your mind. Although it is still acquired using ESP.

    The AutoGanzfeld experiments despite the crying of skeptics is a well established phenomena that has been verified by independent analysis not by a known parapsychologist or a skeptic but an acknowledged expert in meta analysis and a well respected psychologist named Robert Rosenthal (link below). His evaluation concludes:

    "Rosenthal, after considering the possible influence of various flaws upon study outcome, concluded that the overall hit rate of the studies could be estimated to be 33 percent, whereas chance expectancy was 25 percent."

    (link to full article below).

    The Ganzfeld is a procedure where one sender attempts to send a receiver a visual image. The receiving has been improved by using techniques to reduce (not eliminate) sensory input and to not give the conscious mind a pattern to focus on. This is done by playing white noise (sometimes pink noise) through headphones. The eyes are usually covered with halved ping pong balls and a red light shined on them creating an even pink visual field. This allows the receiver to focus on any imagery that may arise and come to consciousness (recall there is no pattern to focus on visual or auditory).

    It is also possible that creativity plays a role:

    "Honorton tested this in the autoganzfeld experiments by recruiting twenty music, drama, and dance students from the Julliard School in New York City to serve as receivers. Overall, these students achieved a hit rate of 50 percent, one of the highest hit rates ever reported for a single sample in a ganzfeld study. The musicians were particularly successful: 75 percent of them successfully identified their targets. (Further details about the Julliard students and their ganzfeld performance were reported in Schlitz & Honorton, 1992.)"

    (link below)

    So it is possible that nurturing your creative side (perhaps through music) would also improve perfomance. This has yet to be tested.


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