
What is it that keeps soldiers wanting to go back to Iraq?

by Guest59591  |  earlier

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My husband is a soldier and all he talks about is going back to Iraq! He thinks he is needed there and wants to do his part. How much is his part? Where do the families fit in? I know when I married him what we were getting into but I thought that he might be a little happier to be at home with me and our son and that not every waking minute would have to do with the army. Anyone else going through anything like this? Anyway to make it easier?




  1. Ok..

    The army kind of disoreant's people.. (however you spell that word)

    Now that he's already been to Iraq, He ended up getting a lot of pride for his country.

    And feel's he hasnt helped our country out enough.

    Yes, you probably feel confused. But he's doing a good thing.But he should def want to spend time with his wife and kid.

    Talk to him about it..Have a real talk and see what happens.

    Tell him how you feel.

  2. free drugs

  3. Some people just seem to be drawn to it. For very dedicated individuals you can move up quickly and have a lot of success with out a college degree.

    I know I came out having an amazing respect for many of my superiors, even some I didn't like, simply due to their dedication to their job. At least if they were effective anyway. There were definitely a few career-types who were just their to work through childhood issues.

    Or maybe the guy who isn't actually in the military yet is right.

  4. All of my friends (the the exception of 1) want to go back for another tour. Many of them had great experiences over in Iraq or Afghanistan with the local families and they want to go back because they feel like they're actually making a difference when they're over there.

    I'm lucky because my boyfriend is on special duty and cannot be redeployed anytime in the next 2 years, but unless he becomes a career recruiter he will probably volunteer to deploy again. (He volunteered for his first deployment.)

  5. the adrenaline

  6. They want to go back because they dont want anything to hapen to their pals in their squad/platoon... etc.  You can ask ANY SOLDIER why they re-enlisted to go back to war and i garuntee you 95% will say they are just fighting for the man next to them.. its a brotherhood than civialians just dont understand.

  7. Maybe the whole 300 million people back home that are depending on his rifle to stop insurgents

  8. I once saw this great documentary on the Discovery Channel called 'The War Tapes'. It was about these national guardmen who were deployed to Fallujah. The doco covered interviews with their families, and amateur video footage from the guardsmen in Iraq. It was a little distressing on the situation over there. When the guardsmen came back, there were interviews with their families who discussed how the men had changed following their experiences.

    I don't want to freak you out, it was just an amazingly insightful documentary.

  9. My husband has served for 29 years thus far and he still gets a gleam in his eye when he receives deployment orders. He tells me it is because he is doing the job there for which he is trained. It is a complete anathema to those he leaves behind but he loves his job and in Operational theatres he gets the opportunity to really show what he is made of. I don't begrudge him that, and bless him he does try to hide it around me!

  10. I can't really explain why it happens.  I was the same way when I got back from my tour in 2004.  I really missed the comradity and the sense of purpose.  I eventually got over it when I get out, but it happens to most everyone who goes over there.  Best thing to do for him is just listen to his stories, no how many times you've heard them before and be patient.  He'll get back to normal soon enough.

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