
What is it that makes cats close to 95% better pets than dogs?

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What is it that makes cats close to 95% better pets than dogs?




  1. because cats are solitary animals they lead them self's and don't require constant praise like dogs some would argue that cats are not as affectionate as dogs this is not true dogs need your approval as you are there leader so they suck up to you cats on the other hand show affection even though they need no approval so when a cat jumps and sits in your lap it means a lot more than a dog liking your hand also they look after themselfs they need you for nothing also they see your house as there property and they are letting you stay they even bring gifts back out of concern for you they see you as incompatant hunters in need of a meal  

    cats in most cases are cleverer than dogs  eg adog will scratch at a door a cat wil  try and get its paw behind the door to pull it open i had a cat that that knocked using the letter box you wouldnt see a dog do that

  2. They clean themselves?

  3. Cats are easier to care for, don't bark, they do not bite, they do not have to be walked. you can play with them, and they are loyal to you if you are loyal to them

  4. Sorry, but I disagree.  I have four dachshunds and they have a doggie door and use it.  My step daughter lived with us for almost a year and her cat pooped on the floor daily.  There was cat litter everywhere, too.

    It took me 3 hours to clean my bedroom from cat hair once they left.  I'm allergic to cats, but not to my doxies.

    I don't hate cats, but I just couldn't stant the smell of the litter box anymore.

    THEY DO BITE!  Got nipped during playtime while walking down the hall, twice!

  5. They basically take care of themselves except u have to feed them and they don't BARK

  6. Many, many things, but for me it's because I find them to be better companions, they don't bark, you don't have to walk them in the rain and they are much cleaner.  Some may disagree, but I do think cats are smarter.

    Good Luck!

  7. Cat owner's imaginations.

  8. it depends on what you like. if you want a playful pet that is hyper most of the time then you might prefer a dog, although some cats are pretty hyper too! and if not then perhaps you prefer cats. there also the litter box issue, that a point for cats, they're cleaner and stuff, but dogs are more loyal, and they'll come to you almost every time you call them. but really, one is not better than the other one, it just depends on what the person likes more.

  9. Hmm. Intriguing question. Where did you get this statistic?

  10. cats will clean themselves, and use the bathroom by their selves

    plus they don't stink like 95% of dogs do...

    Plus cats can give you attitude and it's not scary like if a dog were to go "old yeller" on you

  11. Cats aren't as needy as dogs.  You can go on vacation for about three days and as long as you leave out enough food and water the cat will be fine.  Cats also do not need to be walked.  All you need to do is show your cat where the litter box is and they will know where it is for the rest of their lives.  

    Cats also love to cuddle more than dogs.  They show lots of affection.  But they do not give their trust away as easily as dogs do.  Cats are very playful.  They are also very comical when they play.  Plus, they sleep A LOT!  Which means that you don't have to give them as much attention as you would another animal.  They still need love just like all other animals, of course.  But they are a lot easier to deal with.

  12. I would not say better, just easier to take care of. A cat only needs to be feed once or twice a day and they don't require you to take them outside when nature calls. Cats don't need a lot of attention and when they want it they will come for you. I guess cats are for lazy owners or people with little time

  13. they are sweeter, they are easier to potty train, you don't have to base your life around them, everything about cats is better!  

  14. Because they can go p**p in a litter box.

  15. That is a 100% false... they both make great pets, but it all depends on the owner.. a dog is for a person who has time to take proper care of the dog, such as walks and daily exercise, and a cat is more for a person who likes a cuddle buddy, and is pretty low maintenance.  

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