
What is it that us guys find so attractive about girls in high heeled shoes?

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Is it a height thing or something about showing off more flesh or something else? I personally find girls in high heels very attractive but I'm starting to wonder if it's because I've been visiting too many certain websites where girls and high heels are common place ;) lol




  1. The main reason is that the lift of the shoes tremendously improves the look of most girls' legs. The predominant effect is on the calves.

  2. It makes the legs look nicer and the butt lift and pop out a little more

  3. High heels makes legs look longer and slimmer because the muscles are tighter. It also improves posture, meaning you stand straighter and your stomach looks flatter, and makes your bum look more toned, so an overall improvement on the way you look and your stance than when wearing flat shoes.

    And yes, the societal stereotype of girls in high heels being S****y probably helps lol.

  4. hahaah, i love your thinking hahah, yes i find it very attractive too but is just because is a stereotipe of the attractive may be caused because of ceratin pages

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