
What is it that you can use on your bathroom mirror to stop it fogging up ?

by  |  earlier

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I know that there is something you can use to clean it with that stops it from fogging. I've heard of shaving cream and soap. Has anyone found anything that works ?




  1. No, just get a fan installed in your bathroom and it will prevent it from fogging up.

    Or you could, you know, wipe it with your hand when it fogs up.


  2. Shaving soap.

  3. Using your exhaust fan or getting one installed is critical.  It will help with the fog and also help reduce a MAJOR source of moisture in your home.  Excess moisture is a breeding ground for mold, rot and a number of nasty insects that are not good for your home as well.

    I have done a number of remodels and repairs where there was no exhaust fan or the family didn't use it and believe me.  You would not want to see what was behind their walls.

  4. Scuba divers spit on their mask but i'm afraid that might not work for you. Maybe Rain-X and I have used a substance on my mask when I went to a company paint ball event but I'm not for sure what it was but it did work.

  5. RainX works well.

  6. I generally don't use the bathroom mirror often, so it does not matter to me if it fogs up.  

  7. I use shaving cream.  Spread it on, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe it off until you can see clearly.  Good for several weeks.

  8. RainX works and they also sell heating pads that you can install on the back of the mirror to prevent fogging. If you have a medicine cabinet style mirror and take long showers you can also open the cabinet before getting in the shower. This allows some heat to get to both sides of the glass and is sometimes effective.

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