
What is it that you hated most?

by  |  earlier

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i don't like disputes..




  1. i am not a inteligent one so it does

  2. the evil deeds i did and the evil ones i think.

             i hate myself  but not all the time.

  3. Know-it-alls who don't know it all.

  4. If you ask me, I HATE people who are judgemental, conformists and serious most of the time!

  5. i don't' like narrow minded people, arrogance, lying b******s, fanatical idiots, people who think they are better than everyone else and walk all over others.  There is a lot I don't like in this world, but there is also stuff I do like.

  6. I don't like people who make it their mission to separate me from my money. Like telemarketers, TV commercials, Democrats, insurance agents who use a sense of guilt to get you to buy a million dollar policy. Just let me buy the things I need.

  7. the quest to make money

  8. I hate prejudice, cloce-minded, extremist & fanatic people

  9. I hate the most evil father.

    fortunately or unfortunately he went to an early grave.

    i now rest knowing he can no longer hurt me.

    thankyou lord for answering my calls.

  10. I dont really "Hate" anything persay.  But I do have my dislikes.  I try not to use the word "hate" because It's ugly and there is enough uglyness in this world.  But I do have my dislikes.  One of them Is Arrogance.  I cannot stand arrogant people.  I think It's rude and shows your not very inteligent.  Also I canot stand racism.  I think It's uninteligent and Immature and plain STUPID.  The last thing i would have to say I hate Is Judgemental people.  Who are we to judge anyone by there race, sexuality, or gender or clothes or ANYTHING IF THAT??  What bugs me the most..NARROW MINDED PEOPLE.  It really bugs when you talk to someone and its a one way street with them and you cannot talk to them or get through to them.  Selfishness Is also a REALLY UGLY one.

  11. haterz

  12. Intolerance.

  13. People who get off by putting other people down.

  14. I hate to be hated

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