
What is it that you keep...?

by Guest32562  |  earlier

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  1. my deepest darkest secrets, and my true emotions,

    but my neck is always uncovered

  2. The corpses. They're under the bed.

  3. my private part *tooooot*

  4. ahh but to open my pandoras box to you, would reveal my darkest secrets,and what do i get in return? shall we trade bites

  5. my v****a

  6. I can't think of one thing and that makes me want to cry. I have come back to this question 3 times. It still makes me want to cry for some reason.

  7. my emotions

    however i tend to reveal my hidden self to my best friend

  8. my true identity

  9. my true feelings about a lot of things ..

  10. My location. Did you know there are vampires here?......... ;)

  11. The dark sadistic side of me.

  12. since it's's a secret! :)

  13. Nothing. I am an open book.

  14. shhhhhh Ill never tell

  15. my secrets!

  16. Some nights, I ride an old wooden ship into the dark sky.

    Moss casks full of stars sway and bump in the hold, and some sprinkle out every night.

    Few have seen the ship, and even fewer ride.

  17. My emotions.

    My underwear.

    My flabby bits!

  18. my chocolate

  19. My dreams

  20. my Intelligence

    my voice

    my eyes

    everything Else is hidden so i cant speak of it sry

  21. A secret towel(:

  22. I don't know. I can't remember where I hid it.

  23. There are few things ....actually few feelings which i keep hidden ... not because i want to keep it secret , but its like i have no words for them ....

  24. Something tends to be hidden by me.........not intentionally, but unknowingly good for me.  

  25. my g*y brother.

  26. My money stash.  Everybody's got one.

  27. My secrets

  28. My problems.

  29. My emotions.

  30. My true toughts... I sometimes dance around my feelings... -_-

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