
What is it that you love about Edward Cullen??

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Okayy if you dont like him or the books. just leave it instead of leaving harsh comments about it

i just wanna know what you like about him cos a lot of people seem to like him

do you like robert pattinson in that way??

do you think he'll be good at playing Edward??

let me know!!

i'll choose the best reason why Edward is just great in any way as best answer!! (: lol x




  1. I think Edward is just so great because he can be any girls dream guy! He is the perfect man, Gorgeus, Mysterious, romantic....I could go on forever! He's does everything you would want your boyfriend to do, he risks his 'life' for bella in fact he even proved that he couldnt live his life with Bella by going to volturi and possibly going through a horrible horrible death. Its also the sweet things aswell, singing to her, reading to her and even just cuddling! He is a s*x god too though!!! :P But i think the reason he is so popular espeicially compared to a real man, is because you can make him whatever you want in your head so that he will always appeal to you. And god, he is just so d**n s**y! =)

    You've got me all dreamy now!

    Hope this is the best answer for you!!!!

  2. I realy like Edward because hes like a perfect gentleman.

    He wont cheat on Bella or hurt her.

    Her protects her and hes just perfect.

    Ye i think that rob will make a good Edward, but  dont think that he has al the qualities that Edward has.

    o and defo his cricked smile

    ye his laugh

    and everything eles in your list lol

    hes just perfect

    like ye he  even sneaks into her room to watch her sleep hes that sweet


  3. Who coudn't love him? Maybe it's because he goes through the trouble to break into her house and watch her sleep. Maybe it's because of his suicidal nature. Or maybe it's because he cares for Bella so much that he won't let her go anywhere or see her friends. I don't know why people love him. Why do people love abusers?

  4. Okay, the fact that no matter how insecure you are, there is never a reason to feel self consious around him because he always makes you feel special.

    He's funny in a sweet way.

    He's dazzling

    He's got a crazy cool family.

    He is strong minded.

    He would never hurt you and if there was something you wanted more than anything else, he'd let you have it.

    He;s gorgeous.

    He's strong and protective

    He's far from perfect in my eyes, but that makes him even better. Maybe you should ask why people like Jacob. That should be interesting.

  5. Because in the books he's described as the perfect guy. I mean he's beautiful and mysterious and he's charming and a complete gentleman and those are hard to find which make every girl...including me...fall in love with him. As for Robert Pattinson, I think that he was an excellent pick for Edward. He wasn't quite what i pictured edward as but it was so similar it was scary! lol And Robert just looks like an Edward and i think that he'll be GREAT Edward!!


  6. I love Edward Cullen in all the Twilight books! But when I found out Robert Pattinson was playing him I was quite happy! You can't really get a Edward like him! He's not as I pictured Edward but you can't do much better than him!

  7. His cold, hard, dead skin.

  8. Since we're in Bellas head as we read, I think Edward is so appealing to us because he makes us feel special, and amazing.  Edward is very caring, romantic, determined, and protecting that he seems like an awesome guy any girl would want.  Hes s**y, and scary, which makes my heart go bombombom lol.  I do not think he is a spousal abuser at all, hes just very worried that he'll lose Bella.  People who say that are obviously very narrow minded to Edwards motives.  

    Rob is as great as we could hope for, because Im sure everyone has a bit different picture of him in their heads.  Plus, hes hot.

    I think Eddie is a little negative in the fact that while Bella was human, he felt evil for being near her because he thought he put her indanger, and that he thought he had no soul. A person as pure as Edward, and his family must have a soul.  They were human at one point, so their conciousness and soul is still there.  

    Edward is amazing as a character.  He is very well portrayed as Bellas true love, and he is very easy to imagine.  Most of Meyers characters are easy to imagine, expecially Jacob and Emmett, because we know their personalities so well.

  9. OMGSH. h**l yeah.. (!!!)

    Edward Cullen is the perfect fictional character, no doubt.

    And Robert Pattinson is the hottest, sweetest guy ever.

    They're both so cute.

    And for some reason, I always see resemblace between the two.

    It's not because Rob is playing Edward in the movie.

    See, it's a perfect match?

    Rob was MEANT to play Edward Cullen the moment he was casted.

    I admit, at first I was like "What the heck!? Is this a joke?"

    I didn't even recognize the dude until some friends told me it's Cedric Diggory.

    Yeah Robert Pattinson is the hottest guy I've even seen in my life through my eyes...

    And Edward Cullen is like perfect EVERYTHING. Period.

    Wait, no.. so you're asking what I LIKE about Edward?

    Okay, well even before I found out that Rob was casted, I still loved EC.

    And when Rob WAS casted, I hated Edward momentarily.

    But then it made me love him like 10,0000,00000 times more.

    Ugh, I hate myself for doubting Rob in the beginning.

    Here's a list of Edward's kick-*** qualities [in my opinion]:

    1) his crooked smile

    2) his seducing smell

    3) his strength to lift vans

    4) his ability to sparkle

    5) he's "dazzling"

    6) he's romantic

    7) he's protective

    8) his s**y laugh

    9) his topaz eyes

    10) his bronze-colored hair

    11) his love for Bella

    12) his mind-reading ability

    13) how he doesn't give in to human blood (vegetarian)

    14) the fact that DELICIOUS Rob P. plays him, mmm!

    15) EVERYTHING else

    Sorry.. I just HAD to include Rob in there -- the sexiest man alive.

  10. His hair. <3

  11. I love the books and all, but I dislike Edward, he has no personallity.

    Yeah, he's gorgous and can do everything perfectly, but that's not a personallity.

  12. i have a love/hate relationship with Edward. i think he is far from the perfect boyfriend..yet sometimes he does stuff or says stuff to bella that are really cute.

    i think robert will do a great job!

  13. well i dont like love him but hes a great character (well duh!) of course hes supposed to be perfect in every way. hes beautiful, muscular, fast, strong, compassionate, selfless, great at cooking, swimming, singing, hes a musician, romantic, hes rich, got great family, is smart, cool, and pretty much great at everything except blushing. (like Bella) so thats why everybody likes him. (but im not one of those people who is named mrs. Cullen, and fantasizes him as a boyfriend.) truthfully robert pattinson was the exact person i imagined playing edward. i mean in HP hes cedric and he is also handsome, smart, and muscular. edward and cedric are similar characters. i think looks wise he will be great at edward and he isnt a bad actor so he will be a greeat choice. have you seen any of the trailers? it looks like a good movie.

  14. Because he's the hottest being ever! And he's so smooth doing everything. No, I don't really think the edward 4 the movie's going to be good (I've heard Jacob's hottr)

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