
What is it that you love about Jacob Black??

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Cheery B gave me this idea. A lot of people like Jacob rather than Edward and or both.

I just want to know why you like Jake

is it bacause of how he look??

or because of the fact that hes kinda lonely and you feel sorry for him

well i dont know so please tell me you view

thanks x




  1. I loved Jacob since the beginning well not immediately .. I liked Edward in Twilight but I don't know I got drawn to Jacob I don't know I find him fun and truly himself .. Edward I don't know it's like he doesn't have interests or anything and he always on guard. I get bored of their argument "I hurt you Bella" "No you didn't" "Yes I did ! don't cover up for me" "No Edward ! I'm not faking it !!" GOD enough already lol. Jacob is just Jacob you know I don't know how to explain someone I can relate to... More human with likes and dislikes he has his own things like the garage his firends..  

  2. i'm deff team edward, but i have never had ne thing against Jake. I think he is like ur best guy friend that u can't live without, but don't think of THAT of the time! :D

  3. His sweet and funny  and loving..! Just someone i can relate to, and he does stupid stuff.. lol

  4. I'm team Edward, but now Breaking Dawn is out I like Jacob too! I think he's sweet and kind and just needs a big hug! But I think he should get with Nessie!


  5. Yeah, Jacob is easier to relate to I guess, he seems more human. And he's so sweet :) aww sometimes you just want to hug him :) he seems more innocent and child-like.

    But personally, I like Edward better :D

  6. I'm actually team edward all the way!

    But I also like Jacob, because he's just natural. Bella can still be the normal Bella before all the vampire things... She can still be 'normal' when Jacob's around. And the one who's playing Jacob in the movie is totally cute! But not as insanely hot as Robert Pattinson!!!

  7. He's hilarious. i love his humor.

    More like a REAL character than Edward.

    I don't feel sorry of Jacob, never have.

  8. At first I didn't like Jacob. I hated the fact that he was getting closer to Bella in New Moon, and when he almost kissed her I almost screamed, but I realized that I was really mad at Edward for leaving Bella. (Yes i know it's fiction.)

    I still didn't like him in Eclipse, but for some reason I started to sympathize with him and soon realized that he wasn't such a bad guy.

    I think the reason I like him now it he is easy to relate to because he is only human. Edward seems to shield himself to protect Bella but Jacob tells it like it is. He's like the best friend that you never want to live with out.

    In the end though I still prefer Edward over Jacob, but like Bella put it in Eclipse I love Jacob completely, but it's not enough. (Again, I know it's just fiction.)

  9. I like Jacob because he is a free spirit who doesn't compose himself 24/7. He lets himself go. Plus he is so sweet and adorable. =]

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