
What is it that you value more than yourself ?

by  |  earlier

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it can be anything.. but u should really value it more than yourself....

you have the option to say " nothing " too..

it wud be gr8 if u can explain a bit..

thnx :)




  1. My Parents :)

  2. wife and all that she IS...

  3. Kinship and friendship.

  4. The people i love such as my family and even my pets. I would do anything for them. And im not just talkin about my immediate family, im talkin about cousins and autns and uncles too cuz they are very very close to me.

    Also my Best Friends. not my friends cuz they are just acquaintances and arent really always in my world. Only a few get into my world and those are my best friends. They care for me, and help me whenever i need seomthing.

    i answered to all the skinny i knew about this. Hope i helepd! Cheers!


  5. The relationship b/w me and my boyfriend.

    It is the happiest thing in my life.To have that relationship.

  6. My Character..I believe its the most important ingredient of life!

  7. My two children. They are first and foremost in my life, even beyond how I value myself.  

  8. there are a few things, actually! some children around, who make me happy, when they laugh and play: their happiness and health!  There are some parents, young parents in poverty, struggling to look after their family, still keeping their cheer, not complaining a lot, going about their work, and making me wonder if they are not really superior to many others i know closely: their health, and happiness and progress in life......a few things like that in life!

  9. nothing in particular

  10. the ppl i love,parents,friends,my pride and integrity(dont mean to sound cheesy)

  11. i value only my parents more than myself and there is a d**n reason for this and i think every children should know that reason

  12. My little sister. I'm 18 and she's 10. I'd do absolutely anything for her, she's the only person in my family I think that of. I love her to death!

  13. My parents, friends and education. I value more than myself. I value my Parents and thank them for what ever they have done to me. They may not accept my thanks but It is my duty to thank them whole heartedly without them I am null. Secondly my friends, I met them in my half way of life and they became part of my life for ever. I will always value my education because this is the path for my success in life. I only have to use it intelligently to reach my goal.

  14. chess. nobody was ever here for me when i needed them most. my family either ignores me or verbally insults me. i don't have any friends since i'm just a little bit different.

    chess was the only thing that was ever there for me when i needed it. it got me through everything and if it wasn't for chess, i wouldn't even be alive

  15. Pizzas.

  16. My Parents...

    Nothing Else.

  17. something i value more than myself is time.

    i believe if you value time and understand how important each second is you'll be a winner.(not literally of course)

    if time can take you on top of the world in a minute, it can also reduce you to ashes.

  18. My all  friends

  19. I can't stand when I chip my heels.

    When my car is dirty, it's frustrating.

    Gas prices suck.

    I believe in making my bed before I head to work in the morning.

    Highlighting what I read is important to.

    I'd rather be hiking.

    Gosh, a good swim would be good right now.

    Dammit, i think I need an oil change.

    Caring gets easier to avoid as the days pass.

    Water is what I choose to drink during the day.

    I like dying my hair.

    Gee, I need to refill my nails..

    What to value?

  20. I valued the  love of God,  and the way He takes care of  His people,  I valued my great grand parents, because with out them i would have  never made it, i valued my mom, and dad ,for bringing me into this world, and taking good care of me and all of my sisters and brothers i valued my children for caring soo much about the well being of other people in their lives, and i valued my friends that are closed by, and those that are far away, because they all are part of me, and are there any time i need them  weather in person or in the spirit, i can count on them at any time, so i valued my families and friends  , more than my own life, but God is the head of all... peace to you.

  21. the friendship with my best friend.

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