
What is it with Mothers ?

by  |  earlier

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Upon my regular visits to my Mother, darling though she is, but nearly 80, so a bit dicky in the brain department sometimes.

Robert, she spake, you are stupid..

Er, just because I flie a 'plane, water-ski backwards, play guitar in a tiny band, roam around on a huge motorbike, I am stupid for letting my long hair down now & then.

Nay, I spake. you have to be a bit clever to do all that.

Mother does not see that.

I am not blowing a trumpet, but what is it with my Mother ?





  1. bob, you adventurous devil you, you sound like a lot  of fun to me. no i do not think those things are stupid, just adventurous. and she is not at 80.  thats why she thinks it's stupid. but i don't think so don't be too harsh on poor nana lol

  2. WHO'S dicky in the brain?

  3. lol. i wouldn't worry about it bob. she won't be here much longer. blame the dicky brain. old dogs, open minds...

  4. Don't worry, its just how your mother was brought up, the older generation were taught that a man should always look respectable, hold down a good job and provide for a family. As you have not turned out this way your mother finds it hard to except. Just tell her you are happy and she should be pleased about you being happy. Also tell her you are not stupid, you have just chosen to live your life with more than the ordinary expectations.  

  5. As you age, most people forget words.  She probably associates being adventurous with being irresponsible or stupid.

    In other words, she's worried about you.  

  6. she probably thinks that you ought to get a 'proper' job before she pegs it

    but it sounds like you have an interesting life with lots of interests

    but meanwhile - she does at least care about you and you her which is more than some folks have thesedays

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