
What is it with america?

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why is it that they will help illegal immigrants but give the citizens the hardest times.

for example, we have US CITIZENS homeless with no food and their not doing anything to help them but if an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT come here and have a baby their gone to take care of them.




  1. Why is it that instead of taking care of their people they go out and fight wars instead?  

    What?  The opportunity cost of going into war are the people?  The citizens, right?

    Shame on them!

  2. Everything!!!


  3. The Baby is a United States Citizen.

  4. Keep voting democratic and the problems you see will get bigger.  

  5. America.. aka North America, includes Mexico and Canada, "they" do you mean the US? And by "they" do you mean the citizens of the US? You are incorrect, as a person who volunteered at an organization offering meals six days a week, showers, a Medical Clinic, free clothing, (5 each of clothing articles once a week with identification) blankets and coats in the winter time, lockers, the use of a phone and more I assure you that SOME of us are doing the work while others sit and complain. I did the math, for 7 years every Tuesday I served plates which were numbered on the bottom, our average was 300 per night, that is 1200 per month, 14, 400, a year for a total of 100,800 meals served in that 7 year period, in that time I rarely served non English speaking clients. Maybe some folks are not doing anything to help our homeless population but millions of others do. I was not aware of "america" giving anyone a hard time.  

  6. dude, you don't know what you''re talking about.

  7. Groups like the ACLU who sue local and state governments for trying to deter illegal immigration and the courts who allow the plantiffs to remain annonymous because they are illegal.

    I thought our courts were supposed to protect US Citizens.

  8. It's the self serving politicians that's the problem.

  9. ILLEGAL immigrants should not be here. you can thank the bleeding hearts and our government for allowing it to happen.

  10. First of all, your statement is false! If you call racial profiling, banned from healthcare, worked like slaves for pennies, treated inhumane when arrested, and now dramatized by immigration raids being helped! then you have a very very narrow mind.

    This is American, land of opportunity and that's why you never see illegal immigrants begging for money.......why? because they take advantage of that opportunity by finding what ever work they can find. Most homeless on the streets are product of their own decisions.

    Sorry! but no illegal gets better treatment in the US then an American.

  11. you don't know what you're talking about.. why does everyone have this picture in their head that all of these illegals are getting free healthcare and welfare? are you aware that most of the illegals are grown men!?!? since when do grown men go to the doctor? not until their head is falling off!!... and grown men at the welfare office? wow, another one i have yet to see..

    my friends father is the manager of a homeless shelter and he has helped thousands of citizens get back on their feet. the shelters are not overcrowded and the people go on to live good lives after a short 1-3 week stay.

    what do you do to help the homeless when you see them on the corner? turn your head and lock the door?

  12. Let me guess you are in favor of English as an official language, even though you brutalize it so...

    Because the constitution tells us that anyone born in the US is a citizen.

    The citizens share sovereignty with the constitution.  This is by design, because our favorite Publiites well-knew of the potential for the tyranny of the majority.  Sometimes the passionate mob gets grumpy over some thing or another and it's the constitution's job to say "hey grumpy bear, take a nap."  Without the constitution to check the will of the people I shudder to think what laws we'd have.

  13. I Agree completely!!! We need to take car of our own first!!

    Thank you, you gave me hope that people still think clearly!

  14. What are you doing to help homeless people?

  15. Why ??? because the only reason why Democrats are winning is because there helping the Mexicans why else...

  16. politicians are corrupt

  17. it is sad. THere are enough low income housing that most of the homeless could be housed but illegals have taken most of them. this c**p about send them to shelters. There are not enough shelters for all of them. There are 2x as many homeless as there are shelters. Homeless don't get food stamps and assistance without addresses. illegals get those..same way with jobs and things. It is really sad that a big percentage of the homeless are vets that served our country and politicians don't care enough about the fact that they fought for our freedom and they deserve housing and assistance before anyone else in the world and they can't get it. but as long as the big corporations are making money off illegals and making the politiicians richer, nothing is going to change. normal Americans aren't important.only the rich are.

    why the thumbs down. I was homeless last year and I talked to many people.homeless people. I know how it is. I was in a major city of 1 million  people and they had 1 homeless shelter which stayed full all the time. I know. i tried to get in there. I called 10-15 in Portland and they told me they had not had a bed empty in 6 months. So DR me all you want but I know what I am talking about.

  18. Blame the republican and democrats, the idiots who are running this country. We US citizens would get better treatment in other countries instead of in our own country.

  19. Well, the homeless people here are either with a disability and unable to work (last time I checked we DO help them) OR some lazy a$$ young man/woman who doesn't have time to go out and LOOK for a job. I don't understand why there are so many 40 year old homeless people when there are plenty of shelters to help them out and get back on their feet. There are many resources available for the homeless. I swear, if I lost my house and job I would be the prettiest, cleanest and well fed homeless person.

    Illegal immigrants don't get as much help as you'd like to think. I know a few illegals with children and they WORK to pay for their child. I have never personally met an illegals who collects welfare.

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