
What is it with computer literate i think about throwing my computer in the trash, why not?>

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i think of throwing my computer in the trash, why not? do i need to be computer litiate to be successful or intelligent? No doubt the computer is a marvelous thing, but are people who are these computer geeks and people who have serious knowledge of computers, worth anymore than anyone else?? I could have gained this knowledge about computers, but i opted not to, do i regret it, no. but i guess there are those who would make me want to regret it, i really prefer to do my business off line, and not have any personal information in the computer at all, so what is wrong with this??




  1. As shameful as it is, I use mine for research, which is so much quicker, than what I used to have to do. Go to the library, look up reference books, take notes, come home re-write. It does have many advantages.

    But in all fairness, there are millions of people out there who were raised without a computer, and did quite nicely....I am one of them.

    I do not believe in putting a lot of personal information out there in Cyber space, I don't care how many "firewalls, safe guards, or spy detectors one has"...If you really want to feel bad, talk to one of the school aged children these days, I seriously do not comprehend what they are talking about, and these are not the "Geeks", just ordinary school aged children...oh well, we survived before, we will do it again, and... I have thrown my in the rubbish, on more than one occasion,....only to retrieve it out loud)...thank you

  2. nothing -- i just use my computer to check lottery numbers -- go to yahoo answers and maybe search for something on yahoo == but i do not have any banking taxes or any other personal info in or near the computer!!!

  3. Please do.

  4. Reformat the hard drive and sell the computer. Reformatting the drive will erase all personal data on your computer. Please do not throw it away as there are many people out there that can use your old computer. Plus they are full of toxins that wind up in the soil when sent to the landfill. If you pass it along you will get some cash, sombody else can enjoy the computer, and you do not harm the environment. When it goes to the landfill, nobody ever benifits! :) I hope this helps.

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