
What is it with cricket umpires that they can't make a decision with the bowler runs into a batsman going for

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a run.also why can't umpires make instant decisions without the players appealing, after all theres two umpires?




  1. It's the rules of the game. Umpires can't give a player not out in the case of a run out if the batsman has been obstructed. They can allow a team to withdraw an appeal though...

    Also, another rule of cricket is that the team HAS to appeal:


    1. Umpire not to give batsman out without an appeal

    Neither umpire shall give a batsman out, even though he may be out under the Laws, unless appealed to by the fielding side.

  2. Technology has made it too easy for the umpires.

    That is why they always go to the third umpire,i myself don't see why people cant just take the umpires word for it,but by going to the third umpire it is saving their butts from comments like the users above me...

  3. better not to give out

  4. The umpires are bound by the rules, so if they had to make decisions whether the players appealed or not then they would have been forced to give Elliot out anyway, and also in the Murali situation a while back.  Making the players appeal gives them the responsibility to decide whether they think it should be out or not, giving them the opportunity to act in the spirit of the game.

  5. Who knows what goes on in the minds of umpires?These days, I guess they are too scared to make quick decisions as there are so many whingers & complainers.

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