
What is it with medical Marijuana?

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Who thinks marijuana should be used as a medication




  1. uhhh it is being used and it shall continue to be used because, in small amounts in moderation it can prove very good benefits to your health and many different things... thats what medical marijuana exists.. because it helps alot of people

  2. Marijuana is a medicine, whether it is recognized by the powers that be or not.  13 states in America have passed Medicinal Marijuana laws already and there will be others with it on the ballot in the next election.

    Why would it be legalized when you cant put a patent on (read: make money on) a medicine with all natural ingredients?

    Why would they want to legalize it when they can lock up millions of non violent offenders and make over 30,000 dollars a year on each of them by keeping them in prison?

    We have all seen the commercials for Erectile Dysfunction, Restless Leg Syndrome, That Little Guy That Lives In My Nail Bed....etc.  Do you remember the list of side effects?

    Isnt it strange that marijuana users are characterized as always "mellow and happy...laughing at everything", but that pharmaceutical anti-depressants are advertised with SUICIDE as a side effect?

    It isnt about 'the children' because kids cant take opiates without prescription, cant buy beer, cant buy cigarettes...and we should keep ASPIRIN "out of their reach".

    It isnt because it has dangerous side effects or makes you unhealthy (beer and cigs are legal...and arent medicine).

    It isnt because it doesnt work (Hundreds of doctors and health organizations support medical marijuana....and it has been used for 10,000 years that we know of).

    It isnt legal as medicine because "the right people" cant make as much money off of it that they can make with it being illegal.

  3. I don't see how anyone could argue not to use it as a medication.  

    If something makes a sick person feel better for a period of time, then why deny it?  Especially when most of the people medicated with this have life terminating illnesses.  

    You could look at any drug we use to medicate people with and argue if it's right or wrong.  They all have side effects and all have pros / cons.  

    That fact that the medication marijuan is actually a drug that is mostly natural and used as a recreational drug, is what causes the debate.  But really it can't be argued as any different than a usual prescription drug.

    But people will be people and form their own opinions.

  4. The drug clearly does show some benefit, especially for cancer patients.

    The debate among doctors and scientists I know has been how to put such laws into effect and allow cancer patients etc to access it, but prevent it from getting into the hands of substance abusers, the mentally ill, the underage, and other populations that should under no circumstances be touching the drug. Simply moving marijuana to schedule II would allow horrifically rampant abuse, given the structure of the laws around prescription medication at the moment.

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