
What is it with men and road rage?

by  |  earlier

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I have been dating this guy for about four months. He told me tonight that he got upset at a guy because it cut him in traffic and he gave him the finger. Is this something I should be concerned about?




  1. when i get roadrage, i throw eggs at their cars. should I be concerned about myself???

  2. Youth and testosterone go together like, well, I don't know. But that is the answer. I can't think of a rhyme.  

  3. yes your title is a little ****** up.i would be pissed too if the guy cut me off too.i had one guy cut into the side of me and then he gave me the i put him into the thing you gotta remember don't **** with a guy who has a bigger car than you.

  4. thats not road rage unless you left out somthing besides the mooned the other driver while driving 65 MPH.

  5. Woah you're sexist!

    I get annoyed at bad drivers (women applying makeup, people yakking on their cell phones, people who have pets running around inside their cars...) male and female, but I never allow someone else's stupdity to dictate how I behave.

  6. Ho, wow. Ouch, that was a little mean of you to assume he's bad because he gave the finger. If my dates (male or female) ever judged me on my ability to keep the road rage down, I would have never been on a date in my life.

    And I'm a woman!

    What he did is what I do on a mellow day. I cuss, flip both birds, honk, holler, etc.

    Though I usually do it just to make myself smile so I do not have to deal with the actual road rage problems I have.

  7. No. It is completely normal.  Besides there are a lot of jack@sses out there.

  8. Some studies show that men are more likely than women to be involved in road rage-related incidents.

    Driving statistics show that men are already 3 times more likely to cause a fatal crash.

    Many experts examine cultural conditioning to find out why men are pre-disposed to resort to violent behavior during frustrating road situations.

    These experts claim that in American culture, the male is expected to express frustration and impatience in public situations whereas the female is condemned when she responds to stressful situations with anything other than passivity and acquiescence.

    In other words, men are more likely to commit road rage because there is an established precedent for public displays of male aggression in our culture.

  9. No. Your title is sexist.

  10. Nope.  It is completely normal.  Oh and stay out of the left lane if you aren't passing someone!  

  11. Your question just makes me soooo angry ... aaahhhrrgggg!! No, he is ok everyone get's PO'd some times when others drive dangerously around you.

  12. Men are men and that's the way it is unfortunately. They don't think about the stupid stuff the do until way after it happened if that at all.

    I have seen worst then just a finger I have actually seen many times rode rage escalate into fights just a bunch of apes so a little finger here and there ain't to bad just caution him because later down the line he could give that finger to the wrong person.

  13. I don't really think you should be too concerned about that. I getting upset or angry about someone cutting you off when driving and then flipping you off is a pretty common reaction. I mean it's not like he ran the other guy down and confronted he or attacked him, if so then I would be worried.  

  14. Sexist much? Women are also guilty of road rage.

  15. possibly - it would depend on whether this is the only area he expresses his rage.   he seemed to be proud of what he had done maybe the person who cut him off was unaware of his presence and maybe we should all try and think of why it might have happened.   remember the old saying.    patience is a virtue keep it if you can, seldom found in a woman and never in a man.   monitor other areas where rage may rear its ugly head.   good luck

  16. Yeah, women never have road rage.....coughBULL$#@%cough!!

    I suggest you ride 5 minutes with my ex-girlfriend.

    You should be concerned with anybody with road rage, not just with men or some guy you're dating.

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