
What is it with people saying that you can't get your drivers license till you are 18??

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I live in CT and all of the kids in my high school are saying that now there is a new law saying that if you were born after 1992 that you have to wait untill you are 18 to drive, is this true? I just looked into it a little and no where did it say anything about pushing back the driving age, they are just making stricter laws.




  1. Ok, so i understand what these parents are saying.  but i have to argue and say that you're thinking of teens just from a parent's point of view.  what you don't understand is that there are SOME young people who are not good drivers but there are also young people who are very very good drivers.  and when you say that young people are not responsible enough to drive, think about the senior citizens who ARE allowed to drive  but are some of the worst drivers in the world.  i also have to say that not all teens are immature, lack common sense, and are irresponsible.  a lot of us are already, so what i'm saying is that it's basically a generalization.  its also very stereotypical.  i just got my permit today and drove for just about the first time and it WAS scary.  but think about it...a lot of you (older) folks probably started driving when you were about 12.  if you could do it, why can't we?  i think that the law that you are talking about is on its way to being official, which is stupid.  i'm 15 1/2 and i was smart enough to use my common sense and pass my permit test.  theres other people who are more irresponsible.  not all of us are into drinking or drugs, (not to be a complete prude), so in other words, not every teen is "asking" to get a DUI.  we're more responsible than you think.  just think about it.  driving is both a priviledge and a right.  it is a priviledge if we deserve it, but if we do deserve it, we really do have the right to do it if we can do it well.

  2. Sounds like a good idea to me.

  3. in NJ you have to be 18.  Call your local DMV and they can tell you this information.

    I understand why they make this a law, but here is my issue.  When you are 16, you probably still live with your parents.  So, its your parents who are going to teach you.  However, if your 18, then chances are its going to be someone else.  I would trust parents more than a friend that's 21.

    I dont think it's really working here because NJ has some of the craziest drivers I have ever seen.  I lived in Pa until a year ago, and when i moved here my insurance went up about 100 dollars a month, for the same coverage from the same company (state farm).  And, that was the cheapest i could find.  Which is crazy considering i'm 25 and have no accidents or tickets!

  4. Your chances of getting into an accident drastically go down after the age of 18.  If something is killing our children, shouldn't we try to stop it?  That is called being a parent.  You are not invincible...

  5. I support that.

    I do believe that people should have to wait until they are 18 to get a driver's license. My reasons are this:

    Driving is a privilege...not a right...that is something many teens have trouble understanding.

    Driving requires a lot of responsibility...that is something that many kids are not ready for.

    No one is trying to keep people from driving. What they are trying to do is make the roads safer. Trauma is the leading cause of death among teens and early adults...and many (if not most) of these traumas result from car accidents.

    You have to wait until you are 18 to vote...21 to why shouldn't the legal driving age be 18? It makes perfect sense to me.


  6. there are bills in a few state legislatures that change the driving age from 16 to 18, and at least one state already has that loaw on the books, new jersy as i recall.

  7. It's probably due to the fact that teens think they're invincible. They don't have the experience and statistics show teens are the cause of most fatalities in the United States. Here in CA, teens are still able to get their drivers license at age 16, however, they're not allowed to have anyone else in the car with them unless it's a licensed driver over the age of 21 or 25, I can't remember. They also aren't allowed to drive after dusk. It's hard for a teen to understand, but this law will save many lives, maybe even yours.

  8. Here is the latest laws for your state that will go into affect on August 1, 2008.

  9. With your new state laws in CT looks like you can't use the car to go on a date until you're 18 as that is the age when you can carry passengers other than your immediate family, a driving instructor or a 20 year old who has been licensed for at least 4 years with no revocations or suspensions during that time. Also you can't drive between the hours of 11PM and 5 AM before the age of 18. Sure gonna mess up the back seat snuggling.

  10. That is a trend right now. Call your DMV.

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