
What is it with teachers these days.?

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my son has been sent home 4 time's

from grade 3 the teacher assumes he

has pink eye when he only has a cold.and been seen by the doctor saying its not pink eye.and when the school sends hem home I call the office to let them know its a cold they said to send note to school with him every time he gets a cold thats nuts I did not have to with my girls when they went to his school and one of my daughter had watery eyes so bad from her colds his wasent as bad as hers and she did not get send home for that.




  1. the teacher probably wanted to get rid of your son because he is disruptive or annoying

  2. Most colds that effect your eyes do not look like pink eye.   It sounds as if your son has allergy eyes. I do and one of my sons also. When he was in Jr High and High school the doctor had to write a note to the school stating such so he wouldn't be accused of smoking pot.

    Pink eye is contagious and I think s a rule that a child has to be sent home if they have it. Sounds like your sons teacher is doing just what she has been taught.

    Even people who don't have major allergy issues can have red, watery eyes from a number of things.

    Good luck with this. Ask his doctor that could be the problem and have him write a note saying as much.

  3. Why send him to school with a cold? The teacher is right, he shouldn't be there, getting all his classmates sick.

  4. Be thankful that your child's teacher was observant enough to pick up your child's red eyes. If it were another child, who actually DID have pink eye, you would be greatful that the teacher picked it up before your child caught it. Also, most teachers have to follow exclusion policies these days. If they suspect a contagious illness, they will send your child home. If you don't like it, teach your child yourself.

  5. i don't know teachers are crazy these day's  my brother's teacher keeps saying that he has problems and she never looks after him cause 1 day he came home and he bruise and cuts every where that @$$ hole did not get fired she just said that she did not see it were h**l was she the having s*x with her ***

  6. This has nothing to do with the teacher!  The nurse is who is sending your child home.  Get a doctors note and return your child to school.  It is the schools responsiblity to look out for the entire population of children.  They are mandated to act in a certain manner.  Get medical note and you should not have a problem.

  7. It's their job.. give them a break! They have to look after the safety and well-being of 20 plus kids everyday, and better safe than sorry. They need to look at what's good for all the students.. not just your child.

    Plus, he shouldn't really be going to school with a cold anyway. Also, if he's getting colds all the time, it could be a more serious issue and you should have it checked out.

    jeez.. my teacher friends always tell me that the worst part of the job is the parents!

  8. The teacher may have issues i would take him out of school and homeschool him or put him in a new school but if you home school him make lots of times his freinds can come over or he will get mad at you and wounder why you took him out of school

  9. my nephew was sent home 12 times in one year because he had a bruise.

    talk about protective.........


  10. My daughter has severe allergies and asthma. She has the same problems with the eyes when she is having a episode

    it looks like pinkeye without the discharge.

    I can not tell you how much time she missed in preschool because the other children were sick all the time. We just decided to cyberschool her for health reasons. Folks have said to us "Oh you have to expose her to colds otherwise she will not build up and immunity"......well those colds cause her to have acute asthma attacks that could kill her!!! She is much healthier now and will most likely outgrow the asthma in a few years.

    Please take your child to an allergist.

  11. Pink eye is unmistakable and highly contagious.  The teacher needs to see an actual case of pink eye and she will then have a clue.  The discharge isn't just watery--it is also sticky and yellow.  Find some information online about the symptoms of pink eye and give it to the teacher.

    Really, your child shouldn't be in school if he has a cold and is having a lot of drainage---watery eyes and nose.  Keep your kids home while they are in the midst of their most infectious state so they don't pass it around to the whole class.

  12. If in fact you were concerned enough to take him to the doctor to confirm he didn't have pink eye (or some other contagious thing), it's probably a good idea to send a note to school saying that the doctor said it's just a cold (because if the doctor needed to rule it out, you can hardly blame the school for thinking he had it).  You can also talk to the school nurse and the teacher and let them know that this has happened a number of times and apparently your kid just gets red eyes when he has a cold, so they know to call you next time.  Keep in mind that they're just trying to keep other kids safe, not trying to plague you, even though it may seem like it.  ;-)

  13. Hello,

    With more and more kids these days not getting there vaccinations we are coming into a time of a almost panic at the public schools.

    In Oregon on the news we have several schools that were shut down to some infection that was caused by a child not getting vaccinated. This is down right scary!!

    Scientists unearthed a primitive man not long ago that "they" say died of the black pleg, you no the one that killed thousands if not millions of people, why would they want such a diseased corps who knows??

    I have noticed the schools sending home are kids more often too. We left the two home with the flue for gosh two weeks. One of the schools sending a form letter to the house saying we best provide a reason as to why the child has been home from school or charges could be pressed on us. Of course I felt this type of form letter was and still is uncalled for and called the school to inform them of my thoughts too.

    It is a bummer that the kids get sent home (or in are case to the nurses office until the 30 minute bus ride home), but it is the times we live in.....

  14. I work in a school office and know that some teachers (for lack of a better term) are a little crazy when it comes time to sending kids to the office.  with that said you should be thankful your child's teacher cares enough about her class to notice things like this.  There is a simple solution get a note from your dr. saying that your child is prone to eye irritation when he has a cold or other allergy cond. send it to the school nurse ( not the teacher) so that way the school has it on file and they will not call you everytime your childs eye is a little red. With that said think about lighting up on your child's teacher because if it was pink eye and some other kid got it she would be the first one  everyone would blame.

  15. I'd speak to the school nurse or even the principal, explaining the situation and asking for some intervention.

  16. We as human beings have entered a new era where anything and everything to do with germs scares us.  

    Products such as Chlorox disinfectant wipes and other things that kill germs and 99.9% of bacteria are the norm.

    Anything that could be contagious is treated like the plague.  It's ridiculous, but I can see where they are coming from.  They want to be sure that no other child is going to become ill from your son.  Try some Visine or maybe look for a medication that will sooth his itchy/watery eyes.  That should get the pink out and help him not to get sent home as often when he has a cold.  Otherwise ask a doctor for a letter that you can put on file stating that this is what happens when your son has a cold and that it's not contagous.

  17. the school doesn't want to have any reason to get into trouble. they would rather send the kid home than deal with them at school being sick. plus, there budgets are small so they don't really have nurses at school who can actually check out the student to make sure they are OK. just to play it safe. make sure you get a Dr. note. Basically, cover your *** so they can cover there's!

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