
What is it with the Royal bank of Scotland and Nat west wanting to check out details in emails .?

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  1. It is ALL SPAM.  Yesterday where nearly 100 e-mails from Lloyds, and another 100 from Barclays asking the same thing.  I do NOT have an account with either one - never have done and never will do.

  2. They are not actually from the banks. They are from spammers who are trying to get your account details. Never ever respond to them, or give them any of your details.

  3. Never reply to any of these emails with any of your details, they are spam, I tend to forward them to my bank, used to get ones from Barclays re my account (never had an account with them in my life!).  Best to block them and not even open them x

  4. These arent REAL emails from banks there from spammers!!

    My mum got 1 from Paypal a fews weeks ago asking for card details over somethink & she didnt realise & put it all in & then a few mins later she showed me & my dad & she had 2go cancel all her cards & stuff that were on her account!!!

    Banks will never ask for card/bank details!! they will ask for passwords/codes they ave sent u!

  5. Never ever open these e-mails because as everyone says they are just after your details

  6. Hello brileen999,

    As has been said here, this is simply a scam trying to get those who appear to know no better to supply their personal details in order to get into their accounts.

    NO bank will ever email you asking you to supply your highly personal and security details.

    I have had about 20 of these 'Bank of Scotland' emails and I have reported each and every one of them to the Bank of Scotland, who are trying to track the senders down. The laughable thing about it is that I don't even bank with this particular bank.

    Only this morning I received another email. This time asking for my details from my NatWest bank account. Again I don't bank with them either.

    My advice as always is never open an email from someone or company you don't know and even more importantly never open an attachment if you do not know who sent it.

    Finally, never give personal details such as name, address etc to anyone you don't know. Especially keep secret your passwords(s) and bank details to strangers.


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