
What is it with these African nations?

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Why are the major African nations doing very little about the crisis in Zimbabwe.

I really believe that they are a bunch of lily livered cowards, and basically all in it together. Corrupt as h**l!!!




  1. Just as xyz said, the whole continent is corrupt, they all look after themselves first, once they get in power.

    Unfortunately for the U.K, is that it was our monarchy/govenrments that had put these people in place, so in turn, we are in no position to now judge how they run their governments.

    On a side note, we have absotluetly no right to even think that we can affect these situations on another contininent, as we would be the first to defend ourselves if roles were reversed.... I totally disagree with what's happening, but it really isn't down to us to show Africa, what should be done turn one country into a democratically run country.

  2. Why do 40 white families a day get attacked in South Africa?

    Why do Gorillas always look so pi$$ed off? They know whats coming with the passage of time.

  3. Tribalism rampant.

  4. Zimbabwe has got what it wanted so have all the other African nations. They have got rid of the whites the only people whom could feed them.

    They wanted to have black only countries & now they have.

    We should now leave them alone.

    I'm a Rhodesian & lost everything in Africa. You can't do anything with African countries if you get rid of one tyrant there is just another to follow.

    We should just leave them to regress back to nature.

    They inherited EDEN & have turned it into a Toilet.

    Forget about them.

  5. I said exactly the same thing, and my question was removed. Go figure !! LOL.

  6. they are corrupt but that mugabe person is seen in the continent as a anti-colonial hero that freed his nation and other african leaders dont want to say anything because many of their people support mugabe and the other leaders dont want to be seen supporting former colonial powers

  7. If only the West will leave us alone with our resources then maybe we might just be able to manage and survive.

    Let other African nations try to reason with Mugabe and the Brits but they need to mind their own business and let Mugabe and the Brits sort themselves out or kill each other.   R'ember Sierra Leone a lot of african nations got involved but it became worse.

  8. The total continent is corrupt and always has been

  9. assainaton of Magobee is the only anwser!

  10. I have no truck with "Empire". Colonialism was a super ego trip in order to plunder natural resources. However, we cannot escape history or make excuses for it, rightly or wrongly it happened and we must deal with it. Before colonisation the land was tribal, we British suppressed natural opposition in favour of profit/cohesion. Once we left the indigenous people had to divide the land, minus what their conquerors still held, amongst themselves. Therein lies the problem, the people are still tribal, still trying to care for their "own" but their rulers have seen the profits of capitalism and power and wish to hang on to them. African nations are rich in land, minerals, and labour, but the people.are poor.

    The west should let them sort it out, impose no sanctions, they only hurt the poor, stop giving international aid, stop Mugabwes political gravy train, make HIM persona non grata, stop all tv coverage, UN involvement, political inteference/influence, and let his true followers decide. Once his people acknowledge there is no western intervention they might stand on their own two feet and kick his a**e out. .

  11. Tribal.  Nothing can help them but evolution.

  12. When you look at it in the round!They are all as corrupt as each other!That is why I personally am against 'handouts' to African countries!

  13. If you want to know who to blame-the answer is not the people in Africa.  Do you know how those countries got their borders?  They were forced on them.  After WWII, many former colonial powers who had colonies in Africa argued with each other and slapped down borders for the new nations without regard to who was next to who.  As a result, peoples who were traditional enemies were plopped down together in a single nation.  Naturally, war broke out.  As a result of these wars, there are very few islands of Stability in Africa.  Genocide is rampant, not just in Darfur.  So the answer is-they have nothing to gain from it.  If they intercede in the conflicts, it will incur massive immigrations of people to their country seeking asylum, as well as invoke the wrath of their persecutors.  

    In an economically depressed region, many new nations struggle with problems given to them by Europe.  When another nation decides the borders of new nations, war is always the result.  Out of war, of course, comes chaos.  A benevolent caring leader has an exceptionally difficult time in Africa, while a power hungry despot can easily take power.  The rule that is always followed-people will always take food and water, even if the price is their freedom and safety.

  14. maybe this is their way of trimming the fat, persecute the peasants so that western countries let their refugees supposedly temporally into our countries, send in the aid to feed the poor only to stand back and watch the corrupt take the food from their mouths, watch them try to breed enough children so that some may live past the famine Aids and war, to support them into their old age that most won't reach, blame the west if you like we certainly done our share, and if we get Mugabe out, another despot will rise from the ashes, the only chance they and for that matter the human race have of surviving without a world war, is to realise that population cannot out strip resources but as usual greed will win

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