
What is it wrong with my son?

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Ok my son drinks milk all the time and nothing happens.

Yesterday he had pizza and he got a big red rash about the size of a silver dollar on his cheek. I cleaned him up and he had a nap. When he got up it was gone. He did not have it before he ate and i know it is not a bug bite. Ok today he had grilled cheese and the same thing happened on both sides of his face. He has had grilled cheese before and that never happened. I don't know what the problem is this is the has only happened twice. Can someone please help I'm worried out of my mind?




  1. There are so many ingredients that he could be allergic to here - like wheat, eggs, even yeast!  If you think it's an allergic reaction, you need to watch for signs of swelling tongue or lips, trouble breathing, projectile vomiting, hives, loss of consciousness, lethargy...  Get him an appointment and for now stay away from wheat products and egg.

  2. I found out my son has peanut allergies. Even though he had eaten peanut butter before. Your son is most likely allergic to dairy. Take him to his doctor and they can do tests on him because it is very serious if you aren't informed.  Mine son was diagnosed as allergic to tons of things but they have been testing him and he is growing a tolerance to things so he might out grow it. But take him to get tested he can have a really bad reaction.  

  3. You may want to talk to his doc about allergy testing.  Did he by chance have tomato soup with his grilled cheese?  The acid in the tomatos can do this to senstive skin or a tomato allergy can also do this. Would make sense with the pizza.  I'd call his doctor just to be sure.

  4. I don't know if this would explain the grilled cheese but my daughter has sensitive skin and specifically with spaghetti sauce when she was a toddler, if it was not wiped off of her face after nearly every bite, she would have a red rash around her mouth that would last a day or so like the sauce irratated it.  Tomatoes are very acidic was my thought at the time.  Could be the heat, too.  Is he exploring with his food at all like taking bigger bites, holding it near that area, etc???  

  5. he is allergic, go to a doctor instead of here it might be deadly

  6. Since it happened with both pizza and grilled cheese he may have a wheat allergy (the crust and bread).  It is not uncommon for food allergies to show up late even if there has been no reaction to the food before.  

    Keep a log when this happens and what he ate each time it happens. If you don't have an appointment coming up soon, make one with your doctor and take the log with you to discuss.  It could also be helpful to take a picture of the rash that he gets each time so you can take a picture or two in to show the doctor at the appointment.

  7. children can develop allergies or have allergies that dont show until later

    I say take him to the doctor and make sure to get a picture of his rash in case it is gone when he gets to the doc

    also what kind of pizza was it and was it a differnt type or brand of cheese in the sandwich  

  8. My son used to get this when he ate certain things.  Many times it would clear up when I cleaned his face and put some Aveeno on it.  Ranch dressing and pizza sauce were bad ones.

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