
What is it you object to about Sarah Palin?

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that is, if you don't like her. But feel free to express your opinion either way!




  1. As a woman I object to token women and that is exactly what has happened here.

    Look at the experience of the rejected  male Candidates.

    End of story.

  2. Just about everything. She is taking the women movement about 30 steps back: but to be more specific

    Abstinece being taught in the schools?? It obviously aint working to well for your family.

    Taking s*x education out of the schools. This 2008, not 1908. Kids are getting STDs at alarming rates and you want to TAKE IT OUT??!! WHHHAAAAAAAAAA. Just b/c you dont talk to them about it doesnt mean they wont do it.

    Abortion...I wish the government would stay th **** up out my p***y. The reason Roe v Wade is there is b/c women were having abortions befor ethey were legal and they were dying from it. You dont have to agree with it, but give a woman that option.

    and last I checked, she called herself a pitbull w/ lipstick, isnt a female dog a word that rhymes with witch?

  3. Nothing, she's a republican.

  4. She is an embarrassment to the women's movement.  She is allowing herself to be used by an man old enough to be her grandfather.

    And her stances. Is this the 21st century or 1950....

  5. 1 I don't want the Bible taught in Science class.

    2 I am old enough to remember women giving themselves abortions with wire coat hangers in back alleys. She would have us go back to that.

    3 She more a preacher than a politician

  6. don't care either way.  the whole race is turning into a huge soap opera on the republican side.  

  7. She has too many clothes on.

  8.   So far, so good.  I don't object about

      anything yet. What a dynamic speaker (and

      did you know her teleprompter wasn't

      working properly during her speech?). She

      had a Grand Slam Home Run. I'm really

    ; excited for the Republican Party. What a

      loving family. She's what we need in D.C.

  9. first her voice is so scremish, when she is talking, did you notice her face and her mimics it is extremely annoying but these are not that important. the most important thing is her ambition is too much for my taste.

    She is exploiting her infant son to get votes and she is insensitive to her unwed pregnant teenage daughter. Even if she has been asked for this position. She should have been said no until she manage her house hold better. She can't manage her home.. we are expecting that she would be a great commander in chief when something happens to McCain.

  10. She's woman who's said that she would want her daughter to carry a pregnancy to term if she was raped--when the daughter was fourteen. She said "I'd choose life," which matters 0/0 when she is not the pregnant one. First link. It also strikes me as potentially abusive of her authority.

    She asked the library how she would go about removing books, a very clear sign of looking for a way to use her new power to censor the library. Then she fired the librarian because she didn't feel the librarian supported her 100%. In a town of what, 68,000, it's that vital to have the librarian?

    Then there's Troopergate, which is, basically,  an accusation that she abused her power.

    I don't trust her an inch. I especially don't want her near the presidency.

  11. She dared attack the ever wonderful and perfect Barack Obama and his ideas for change...

    So instead of doing the usual defence of the party, they go out and find whatever they can to attack her children who aren't running for VP while at the same time claiming children are off limits (apparently only if your the democrat candidate),and the funny part about this is that her children are doing the same things that Obama recently admitted to doing when he was in college - skipping classes to go party. Or the state that she works in which last I checked still has the same size star on our flag as Illinois and Delaware. So I'm guessing that if your from Alaska your just not American enough (Thats reasonable enough right?).  Its still part of the country, and without it our gas prices would probably be higher then they are. Oh yeah and the Dems want Hillary Clinton to be the first woman in the White House and there can't be anyone else before her.

  12. Petty tyrant the way she was going after her ex brother in law. Fake Christian  

  13. Her creepy christian fundamentalism

  14. I really, really wanted to like her.  However, I don't  I have been on the fence, voting wise and I wanted McCain to choose someone who would have similar views as me so I would feel more comfortable voting for his ticket.  When I heard it was a woman and a mom I thought that would be perfect.  However, she is so hard nosed religious and conservative in her views I cannot like her.  She is for abstinence only education, completely anti-choice for abortions, she is like the uber-religious Republican and all that goes with that.  Additionally, the fact that she would not want polar bears on a protected list just so that oil drilling could continue makes me a little ill.  I am very disappointed.

    I will say though, that I am very upset by all the people questioning her ability to balance being VP and having a family.  That is a completely ridiculous point and no one would bat an eyelash if she were a man with children...what is this 1960?  Seriously?  I think her being a mother has nothing to do with her candidacy in a negative way and in fact might make a candidate better.

  15. Her political views.

  16. I don't care about her pregnant daughter or the fact that she has 5 kids. I care about her political views and I don't agree with any of them. That's why I object to her.  

  17. I don't dislike her, I just think she is too inexperienced and is only being used by McCain to get the female vote.  Also, her children are young and probably need her at home more than we need her to run the country.

  18. She's great , the reason why liberals dont like her is because she is pro life. That's it.

  19. First, I object to Palin's stance on the environment.  I disagree with her insistence that oil drilling go on in Alaska. She's obsessed with the idea...and doesn't seem to care what the American public really wants here, especially those of us in the American public who love, respect and care about the earth!  I also dislike how she fought listing the Polar Bear as an endangered species solely so they can continue to drill for oil.  Why is she so gung-ho for oil drilling?  Because she stands to profit from the petroleum business because her husband works for BP...she is LITERALLY in bed with "big oil."

    Secondly, I also find her obsession with guns and hunting offensive...and more than a little disturbing, too.

    Thirdly, I think she's a phony baloney. Palin reminds me of every other "queen bee" conservative puppet woman who has been put out there in the past from Clare Booth Luce to  Phyllis Schlafly...these women cannot stand competition from other women, and they shamelessly curry the favor of conservative men in order to gain their illusion of power...almost like a form of intellectual prostitution! As for her "hockey mom"  schtik, she's not fooling anyone!  Sure, I could be VP of the US, too, if I had a nanny to help me out! Why do these women try to come off as "just plain folk" when they are anything but?

    Finally, it just kills me how these women will NOT give credit where credit is due... It's like they really think they didn't need anything about feminism to get ahead, when in fact, if not for feminism, they wouldn't even have the right to get an education, own property or vote...and they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge this!

  20. Her stance on issues that are important to me.

    Also this:

    And this:

    All that she did was go on the attack, and a lot of her "facts" were questionable.

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