
What is italy really known for?

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What is italy really known for?




  1. pizza!

  2. ciao.. i'm italian from turin... wouw,lt's  nice hearing a lot of nice things of my country.. ehehe.. however, here we say italy = "pizza, mafia, spaghetti"... just a joke... but well, yes, maybe our most known things is food... fashion and cars... and so... cities as venice, florence, rome.. turin.. =p

    well.. i'm happy that most of you like italy.. i've never been in the usa but i really hope to coem there soon, they've told is a really wonderful country too..



  3. its food, the roman coloseum, wine/grapes, pompeii, sicily, rome, the Vatican, etc.

  4. Mafia stereotypes.

  5. Sun & fun. Romance. Mafia. Food. Fashion & Renaissance Art (14th to 17th century).

    What it's not known for are its scientists and inventors. It mountains, rivers and forests (and volcanoes). History (and by the way Jesus Christ was not born in & never lived in Italy). Its Nobel prize winners. It’s not known for its hard working people who are over taxed and ill represented in government. And the beat goes on..........

  6. Food, beautiful countryside, history, art, fashion, and the world's best football team.

  7. Italy has fantastic gelato.

  8. beautifil food, fashion, history, architecture, music,art,sport,scenery .....and being rude to tourists

  9. alot of things food, fashion,ferraris, vatican city, POPE, scenic view

  10. High performance cars - like Ferrari, Mazeratti, ... Design - fashion, industrial, great wine & food, historical contributions to art & political thought, friendly people, ...

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