
What is jai-alai and how can it be deadly and dangerous?

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What is jai-alai and how can it be deadly and dangerous?




  1. The speed of the ball in Basque Pelota is so fast that it could cause serious damage if it hit someone at full pace. I think Jai Alai is very similar to Basque Pelota if they're not the same thing so I assume the main danger would be that.

  2. Jai-alai is a very strange sport that i think is pretty much solely played in florida and maybe cmes from latin american culture. its basically squash but with a glove rackett which means the ball is scooped up and then shot out again very fast. The name Jai-alai is from the Basque culture of Spain meaning "Merry Game". and as for the deadly aspect, the ball can travel up to 188mph and is ade of goat skin, so if that hits you square in the face, your dead. As i saw in an episode of Miami Vice lol. Some player committed suicide by standing in front of the path of the ball on purpose lol.

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