
What is jail like? What is the typical schedule?

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Would it be better for someone to commit suicide or do time in jail or prison?




  1. jail is like having the weakest dude in school growing up to be your never satisfied boss..jail isnt hard its all you love and miss while serving to end with no purpose what so ever..suicide?never

  2. What did ya do?

  3. Go and rob a bank and make sure you get caught by the police.You can tell me what jail is like when you get out of jail in about 10 years.

  4. jail in the latin american countries are h**l

    jails in germany are like the hilton hotel

  5. Prison or Jail would be better then death no matter what the schedule is.

  6. It's very loud with people around you laughing and acting a fool.  The food sucks big time!  You don't get to pick who shares your cell with you and sometimes they stink!  The rest of the world goes on without you.  I personally don't think I could handle jail time.  I worked in the prison as a correctional officer and I don't know how these people make it, especially the ones who aren't EVER going to leave.  But then again, some people don't have a problem with jail, it's like 3 hots (meals) and a cot (roof over your head).  But, suicide is NOT a choice, it's a cop-out.  God can get you through anything that you come up against, if you just ask Him.

  7. You get over jail, you never get over suicide.

  8. Been in twice. Can be very boring just sitting in your cell at times but you get used to it and just do the time.

    Bit like being back at school in some ways - told exactly what to do, when to do it, ask permission to do most things and people having a go sometimes. Nothing is worth suicide though

  9. Jail is temporary. Suicide is permanent. Just remember that.

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