
What is jail like?

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What is a typical jail like for females? Do you get to go outside? How many females in a cell?




  1. My friends girl melanie was in and she said there were 4 girls to a block. She was in county so it wasnt too bad. The meals were all made with starch so she got chunked out in there, and she said all there is to do is read, write letters, and watch whatever the CO's wanted to see. When she got out all she wanted was a BigMac and a cigarette. I dont think its much fun myself!! LOL

  2. It varies from place to place....yes outside or "rec" is available or at least offered.  Depending on how many to a cell depends on where the jail is and how populated it is.  A typical jail for females is the same as males..........You lose the right to decide what you can do and when you do it etc.........

  3. Jail is jail, regardless of gender. You'll get a bed, a toilet, three walls of solid concrete and one with long steel bars to keep you caged in.

    You may be allowed to go outside, and there is typically one or two people per cell.

  4. It's crappy. Depends on what you are in for and what jail and how long. And again depends on the jail. 2 usually.

  5. English Jails are a piece o' P1ss!

    Full o' whining pansies!

    How they get a reputation for Tough Guys, God knows!

  6. Jail is no joke, it's screwed up Cops don't care how there prison's are being run.  in-mates  run the show in there anything can go wrong.
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