
What is jaw surgery?

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im 11 years old and i have twin blocks but they hurt soo bad , so what is jaw surgery and does it hurt after?




  1. jaw surgery is another word for maxillofacial surgery, its could be used to fix the jaw line so your bite is corected. i never had it done maybe look on google. i dont think it will hurt that bad they usually use luaghing gas to put you to sleep or an IV seditation which is like needle that they keep in your skin to put you to sleep. you may feel dizzy afters its over

  2. :) heyyy

    if your thinking of having jaw surgery great but dont just yet because your too young to undergo jaw surgery.... your jaw is still in the rapid growth period so your orthodontist is doing everything to make sure that you wont need jaw surgery. but if you do decide to under go it when your older.... there are a couple of different procedures that help with different jaw problems but you will have one custom made for your jaw. you go into hospital go under anesthetic  and they work on it. then you wil be in hospital for a couple of days and trust me it hurts :\

    but its worked out for me .... i just turned 14 and i had it a couple of months ago... :) and i have braces and also had twin blocks when i was younger but trust me appliances are so much easier.
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