
What is jet fuel made of? what is the possible alternative?

by Guest10873  |  earlier

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as air travel cost sky rocketed these days, because the fuel cost.

what is the possible alternative for the future jets? or we are looking at a complete different ways of air traveling?




  1. jet fuel is essentially "clean kerosine"

  2. <what he said...jet fuel is also super filtered, not a speck of trash in it...but that has nothing to do with the fuel itself.  

    I think eventually airplanes will be history...two alternatives include

    --solid fueled sub orbital rockets, launched straight up from , say, Dallas, to sub orbit and glide in to perhaps London.

    --developing the Zeppelin into a luxury "ocean liner" for non business travelers.

  3. Jet fuel is made from crude oil, just like gasoline. The difference is in the degree of refinement (jet fuel will typically be much more refined, and have a larger of available energy per unit volume)

    There isn't really an alternative to this type of fuel, besides perhaps an electric propeller. This would be impractical for large jets.

    Probably the best bet is to wait for the bubble to burst, the speculators to leave the market, and more deposits be drilled :)


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